Available in two versions, the Ambit2 and Ambit2 S, the new version of the watch keeps its core functionality while adding some nice new options to the mix. For instance, the 2 S, which is the sport model aimed at endurance athletes, is a bit lighter and thinner than the original Ambit. It features ANT+ technology that allows it to connect to heart rate monitors, cycling power meter. That means it can provide all of the data to track your training efforts and improve performance. It does give up the thermometer, barometric sensor and altimeter that were part of the original Ambit package. The Ambit2 on the other hands, retains all of the abilities from the original model and mixes in the new multi-sport features from the 2 S. Both versions have the ability to run the simple Ambit apps as well.
The Ambit2 and Ambit2 S will be available to purchase this month. Prices haven't gone down any since the original Ambit was released. The Ambit2 will set you back $500-$650 depending on which unit you buy, while the 2 S will run $400 on its own and $450 with a heart monitor.