by Ellen Saltonstall
After reading Nina's post The Importance of Interrupted Sitting!, I would like to share this post about poses that I do when I need a break from sitting. This is a short practice that I can do at my kitchen table, while waiting at an airport, or on a break during a long drive. There is no need to change clothes, have a yoga mat, or even take off your shoes. You stretch in each direction: forward, backward, sideward and twisting. Be creative with your use of props (a park bench, the side of your car, etc.) and also with the sequence—do what feels good to you.
If you do the entire sequence, repeat the first pose, Prasarita Padottanasana, to finish.
2. Parsvakonasana (with back to the table): With your right leg turned out parallel to the table, bend the right knee, pointing it toward the middle toes. Allow your other hip to shift forward slightly, away from the table. Lean to the right with the right arm on the table. Keeping your legs and abdomen strongly active, bring your torso to the side as far as you wish. Stretch your left arm alongside your head, reaching vigorously from hand to foot. Repeat on the other side.
3. Seated twist (with chair): Sit sideways in the chair, with your spine erect and legs steady. Inhale, lift your spine, and then exhale, twist toward the back of the chair. Place your hands wherever it helps you to twist more. Hold for a few breaths, and repeat on the other side.
4. High Lunge (with chair): Face the back of the chair and step your right foot forward, your left foot back. Both legs are parallel and the back heel will be off the floor. Face your pelvis squarely toward the chair, and hold the back of the chair with your hands. Lean forward a bit and push into the back leg, widening inside your pelvis and hips. Then pull down through the back of the pelvis as you lift up in the front torso. Raise your chest, look up, and expand from the top of your head all the way to the back foot. Raise your left arm up, and possibly also your right arm. Enjoy your strong and expanded self, then release and repeat on the other side.
5. Parivrrta Trikonasana (with chair and tabletop): Place the chair sideways next to the table, the seat facing you, as shown. Step your left leg forward and straighten both legs. Reach your hips back and your chest forward as you place your right hand on the chair seat. Twist toward the table, with your left hand pressing down into the tabletop to help empower your twist. Breathe several times, then come out of the twist and repeat on the other side.
6. Shoulders and Arms Pulling Back: Stand tall, roll your shoulders back, and clasp your hands behind you. Pull your arms back to find a stretch in the front of your shoulders and a supportive strength in the upper back. Take several deep breaths, feeling all inner sensations as you hold the pose.
7. Upward-Facing Dog (with hands on the table): Place your hands on the edge of the table and walk your feet back. As you bring more weight onto your arms, be sure to keep your shoulders back and your chest lifted. Bend your elbows a bit, bring your pelvis toward the table with your tailbone lengthening, and move your chest forward between your arms, as if going through a doorway. Look up if you can, and enjoy a full stretch from your chin to your toes.
For information on my online weekly classes, see here.
Ellen Saltonstall (ERYT-500, C-IAYT, YACEP) is an alignment-based yoga instructor and body therapist based in New York City with over 40 years of experience. Her background includes modern dance, a massage therapy practice, Iyengar Yoga and Anusara Yoga. She was certified in Anusara Yoga in 2001, then became a Subject Matter Specialist in anatomy and therapeutics. In addition to yoga, she teaches Bodymind Ballwork, a method of bodywork using rubber balls to facilitate tension release. Her published books include Yoga for Arthritis (2008), Yoga for Osteoporosis (2010), Anatomy and Yoga (2016), and The Bodymind Ballwork Method (2018). She offers yoga therapy webinars through, and she teaches nationally and internationally with a specialty in anatomy and therapeutics. She is known for her clarity, depth of knowledge, and enthusiasm in encouraging students of all levels to find freedom and joy through yoga. More information here.
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