Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama, Angelena Marie from Angelena Marie: Happy, Healthy & Balanced, Michelle at Fruition Fitness and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!
I've been trying to get in as much movement as possible while I'm out here in LA. I got in a fun N'Sync vs. Backstreet Boys SoulCycle ride, a few runs and a great hike up to the Hollywood sign, but other days I've been quite crunched for time. The hotel gym is less than ideal, so I've been relying on the small space I have in my room to sweat it out when I'm in a hurry. These 5 workout moves have been my go tos. They don't require a lot space or any equipment, but you can still work up a serious sweat. So get ready to get wild on this Wild Workout Wednesday with these 5 Workout Moves You Can Do In A Hotel Room!
- The Burpee: Start standing with feet hip-width apart. Jump or step feet back and drop your hands under your shoulders (so you land in a plank position). Do a push up. Then, jump your feet back in and hop back up to stand, clapping your hands overhead as you do so. Repeat as soon as you land.
- The Air Squat: Stand with feet about hip width apart, feet turned slightly out. Send your hips back and drop down into a squat as low as you can go, keeping your torso upright and knees pointed out. You don't have to stop at 90 degrees if you have the mobility to drop down further. Stand back up to starting position and repeat.
- The Pike Push Up:Get in a push up positions. Raise your hips and walk your hands closer to your feet, so that your body is in a V position. Rotate the wrists so the fingers are pointing in toward each other. Lower your head down toward the floor between your hands and slowly raise back up. You should feel this in your shoulders.
- The Classic Push-Up: Head over here to see how to do the perfect push-up. The goal is to get your chest all the way down and touching the floor. Feel free to drop to your knees to modify.
- The Wall Sit: Place your back against a wall and dip down so that you knees are bent at 90 degrees, as though you are sitting in a chair. Hold for 60 seconds.
You can organize these moves however you like. I say, do a minute of each (with 30 seconds rest in between) and repeat as many times as possible given your time frame.
Now let's see those Wild Workouts! Add your links below, and as always, you can find the full link up rules here.
Let's Chat:
What's your favorite way to workout while traveling?
Any favorite hotel room moves?