Healthy Living Magazine

5 Signs of Testicular Cancer Which Most Men Are Embarrassed to Talk (and 5 Signs That It Has Spread)

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

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5 signs of testicular cancer which most men are embarrassed to talk (and 5 signs that it has spread)

Testicular cancer is one of the rarest cancers in the world. Its low impact making it a disease we do not know much. Its location in an intimate part makes it a sensitive subject, even taboo. Focus on risk factors and testicular cancer warning signs.

Testicles are organs that belong to the male reproductive system. Their role is to produce testosterone and sperm. In some cases, the cells of one or both testicles may know mutations or changes that make the cancer and thus cause testicular cancer.

The causes of testicular cancer and those at risk:
In France, about 2,000 cases of testicular cancer are registered each year. This is the most common cancer in young men, because it mainly affects men between 15 and 40 years. Indeed, testicular cancer development risk is very low before puberty, but increases from 14 years and increases significantly towards the thirties. By cons at the age of 60, the risk decreases. This type of cancer is also known to be more common in white men.

The causes of testicular cancer are, to date, inaccurate, but some factors can increase the risk of its occurrence, including: family history and undescended testicles.

What are the early signs alarming?
It is important to recognize the symptoms of testicular cancer in order to detect the early stage and increase the chances of recovery. Generally, only one testicle is affected, here are the warning signs should not be overlooked

  • The formation of a painless mass, but that does not disappear, on the testicle
  • A feeling of pressure or pain in the lower abdomen
  • Heaviness in the scrotum
  • Pain in the testicles
  • Swelling or swelling of a testicle, cause the increase of its volume

Note, however, that it is normal for some men to have more than the other testicle or more for the other. So do worry when you notice a sudden change.

More rarely, men who develop testicular cancer may know gynecomastia. This is due to the production of a hormone HCG, by the tumors, which promotes breast development.

Younger individuals may also know early puberty signs such as hair growth on the body and face and a deeper voice. These signs can be explained by the production of large amounts of male sex hormones by the tumors.

How to recognize an advanced stage of testicular cancer?
Advanced testicular cancer announces the tumor spread beyond the testicle, to other body organs. Signs that reveal the development of different tumor by affected parties, but in general the most common signs are:

  • severe back pain caused by the spread of cancer to lymph nodes retroperitoneal
  • Lack of energy, excessive sweating, fever
  • Difficulty breathing, chest pain and coughing up bloody sputum in some cases. Which may reveal that the tumor has reached the lungs
  • Headache
  • Abdominal pain
    It is very important to distinguish between testicular cancer and other diseases that can have the same symptoms. Infection of the testis or epididymis, can cause the appearance of a mass in the testicle is painful, but it is not cancer.

Thus, the most effective way to diagnose testicular cancer remains a consultation with the doctor! It is advisable for men between 15 and 40 years of self-examination regularly to notice any changes.

How to proceed ?
Hold your penis out of the way, and then examine each testicle at a time. Take the testicle between your fingers and roll it gently to see if there are masses, swelling or a change in size or shape.

Other tests and tests to detect testicular cancer:
Blood test: used to measure the level of some tumor markers in the blood as the Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (bHCG) and Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH).
Medical imaging exams: Scanner, X-ray
Testicular ultrasound: This test is useful to exclude other causes of painful testicles or wider
Typically, testicular cancer is one of the most curable types of cancer, especially in its early stages. Make a self-examination once a month and if you notice a defect, consult a doctor immediately.

5 signs of testicular cancer which most men are embarrassed to talk (and 5 signs that it has spread)

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