Diet & Weight Magazine

5 Podcasts to Walk To

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus
Take a break and go for a nice afternoon stroll. As you do so, soak in your surroundings and stay entertained with the help of these 5 podcasts to walk to! 5 Podcasts to Walk To

I've gotten in the habit of going outside during my lunch break and walking around. It's really nice to get out of the office, take a little break and get my activity on. A little lunchtime stroll is also the perfect time to catch up on all my favorite podcasts.

I've been a podcast fan for a long time, and I think they are beginning to get more and more popular (or shall I say "in fashion" - it is Fit & Fashionable Friday after all!). Since I first wrote about some of my favorite podcasts, I've added a ton of new ones to my playlist. I listen to them while I walk, run, commute to work - and I learn so many cool things because of them.

I've listed out a few of my favorites below, as well as a little description of what each one is. I hope you'll find one (or more!) that you gravitate toward and can enjoy during your daily wanderings.

5 Podcasts to Walk To

This American Life - Each week, this podcasts takes on a theme and features different stories that fall under that theme. Some are humorous, some are serious, all are incredibly interesting. Episodes are about an hour long. This podcast has given me a ton of conversation starters for when small talk just won't cut it haha.

Reply All - This short & sweet, half-hourish podcast features stories about how people shape the internet and how the internet shapes people. It's quite fascinating and good to listen to during a quick walk or run.

Sword & Scale - The lovely Suz introduced me to this one. This bi-weekly podcast tends to be a bit heavy since it's all about true crime stories, and it's definitely not for the faint of heart. Host Mike Boudet goes into detail about true, solved crimes, and they are often brutal and quite unfathomable. He includes interviews, snippets from trials, and haunting testimonies. It's incredibly interesting, but I warn against listening at night!

The Paleo Women Podcast - This baby is definitely for the health-conscious. Noelle Tarr (a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Certified Personal Trainer) and Stefanie Ruper (author of the book Sexy By Nature) are two incredibly intelligent women who talk life, health, fitness, nutrition, body image and all things paleo. They take questions from readers each week and dish out advice on how to get to the bottom of any health issue you can think of and how a paleo diet may (or may not even) help resolve said issues. Episodes are about an hour long.

Ask Me Another - One thing I love about this humorous game show, is that it's recorded in Brooklyn! I really need to get myself to a recording. Anywho, this podcast (also about an hour) is a fun trivia game with a rotating cast of funny people, puzzle writers and VIP guests. I always enjoy trying to guess the answers before the contestants give them.

There you have it. I hope you'll find one or two podcasts you'll enjoy listening to on a walk, run, commute, what have you. I already have a bunch downloaded to listen to on my flight tonight!

Speaking of which, I'm heading on a nice big European vacation with Will, so I won't be around for the next 2 weeks. However, I have a bunch of fab guest posters lined up for you, so get excited to meet some new bloggers and get some awesome recipes, workouts and Fit & Fashionable happenings from them!

But before I go, it's link up time! Check out the link up rules here and have a fit & fashionable weekend!

5 Podcasts to Walk To

Let's Chat:
Do you listen to podcasts? Which are your faves?
Any of these appeal to you?

5 Podcasts to Walk To

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