Fitness Magazine

3 Coffee Myths, and Why It’s Okay to Have Another Cup

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

Millions of people drink coffee, very regularly. In fact, about 64% of Americans have coffee each day, and that number seems to be consistently increasing. Many people need coffee to “wake up” in the morning or for an afternoon pick-me-up

But, there are still several myths about coffee out there that keep some people from drinking it. In reality, coffee actually has many different health benefits, including lowering your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. 

While we’re not advocating drinking gallon after gallon of coffee each day, if certain myths have been keeping you from having a daily cup, it’s important to “debunk” them so you can not only enjoy the taste of a morning “cup of joe,” but some of the benefits, too. 

With that in mind, let’s uncover some of these common coffee myths and get to the truth!

3 Coffee Myths, and Why It’s Okay to Have Another Cup


1. It Causes Insomnia

Some people believe that having coffee can contribute to poor sleep, especially if you have a cup in the afternoon. The reality is that coffee travels through your system very quickly. It’s processed through the liver and is out of your system in about 4-6 hours. So, if you have a cup of coffee at work during the afternoon, you shouldn’t feel any lasting effects from it by the time you’re ready to go to bed. 

2. It Causes Dehydration

While it’s true that caffeine is a diuretic (and can give you the urge to go to the bathroom more), coffee itself doesn’t cause dehydration. Just think of what it’s made from: every drop of water used to make a cup of coffee is still water once the coffee has been brewed. When you’re drinking a cup of coffee, you’re also getting water and staying hydrated. 

Does that mean you should replace eight glasses of water a day with eight cups of coffee a day? No. Pure water will always be the best. But, coffee will not cause you to become dehydrated. 

3. Growing Coffee is Bad for the Environment

With such a growing interest/education in climate change and the state of the environment, sustainable farming practices are a hot topic of conversation. Because coffee is in such high demand, it’s true that coffee plantations have continued to grow all over the world. Unfortunately, that has led to the deforestation of millions of acres of land. 

So, where’s the myth? The reality is that coffee is only bad for the environment when it’s grown using unsustainable practices. Fairtrade coffee, like Kopi Luwak, is a more ethical way of growing and producing. Fairtrade companies work directly with coffee farmers instead of large plantations and corporations. They commit to working with farmers who use sustainable practices and who take pride in what they do. So, this “myth” can be debunked when you make smart choices about which coffee to buy for your morning cup. 

Don’t be afraid to do your research when it comes to some of the common myths and misconceptions about coffee. By drinking sustainably-grown brands, you can feel good about drinking coffee for your health, and for the good of the planet. 

•What kind of coffee do you drink?

This post was a collaboration.

Thank you for reading!

3 Coffee Myths, and Why It’s Okay to Have Another Cup

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