Namaste Berkeley recent informed us that even though it is only January our 2016 summer intensive is already sold out. At this point, they are just taking names for the wait list. Yes, we do realize that some of you will be disappointed at that news. Unfortunately the size of the room we’re teaching in means we need to limit the number of people attending.
Because of this, we have decided to schedule a 2017 winter intensive at the same location. The dates will be January 9 through 13, 2017, with an extra day for teachers who want certification on January 14. This intensive will taught by Baxter and me, and will be exactly the same as the one offered for summer 2016 (see So if you’re interested, save the date and stay tuned for registration information.
Both these intensives are organized by Namaste Berkeley not us, so I can’t reserve you a spot or even take names. But we promise to let you know as soon as Namaste opens registration for the Winter 2017 intensive.
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