Fitness Magazine

10 Min Cardio HIIT UNCUT

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Jan 28, 2012 by

Cardio HIIT


Hi everyone,

Thank you for all of your votes on my Facebook

. This is a HIIT cardio routine uncut just as you guys have requested. This 10 minute cardio was a killer!

This routine is perfect to start your day, you can do this when you don’t have a lot of time but you still want to do something. If you are trying to loose weight then I recommend you do this before your breakfast, or 3 hours after you had any type of carbohydrates. This way your body will use fat as fuel instead of carbs fuel in your muscles. You can also do this routine after any strength training workout.

Remember: If you are going to workout on an empty stomach to burn fat, make sure you are doing just short and intensive cardio and NOT strength training. Because strength training or muscle building routines do require for you to have carbohydrates in your system, and you will get better results from your workouts ( my personal experience ).

At the end of the video I also go over every single exercise and variations for beginners.

For this routine I was using my timer, 8 lbs medicine ball, 20 lbs dumbbells ( 10 lbs each ) and my workout log

. Don’t try to keep up with my reps, if you can do more do so, if you can’t then remember build up to it.

Always do a proper warm-up before beginning to exercise.



Workout Explanation


I set my timer for 2 intervals of 10 seconds rest and 20 second maximum effort, for the total of 20 rounds. There were 5 exercises per found and I went through the sequence 4 times.


  • Jump Lunges With Rotation
  • Push-ups on Dumbbells
  • High Knees
  • Kick Back Squats
  • 2 Way Side Jumps


PS – Don’t forget to add me as a friend on Facebook to keep up with all the updates.


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