Hello Queen,
If I could share one message with every black woman on this planet, it would be this:
You are not sinful, inherently flawed, powerless, or inferior to anyone or anything. You are not the world’s cash cow, mule, or beast of burden.
You are here to recognize and awaken to your Divine Worth, Power, and Perfection. You may make mistakes, but you never fall short of the glory of God because YOU ARE THE GLORY OF GOD!!!!
You are the embodiment of Shekinah Glory! You are a Queen upon the earth! You’re encoded with that DNA. That’s your true identity.
At this point you may be asking yourself, “What does that mean?” or “What do I have to do to feel that way? To see that expressed in my life?” Or, ” How do I tap into that? Where do I start?”
In the video above, I explain all that to you.
Your Queen DNA is your Divine DNA, your spiritual DNA, your connection with the Supreme Creator. It’s your soul purpose blueprint, who you came here to be AND do. However, it’s more about who you’re being.
I explain all of this, so listen to the video above. I know you’ll find it eye-opening and amazing đŸ™‚
To Your Regal Magnificence,

Pamela Brown
The Queen of Bounce Back
Women’s Empowerment Coach & Fierce Warrioress