Food & Drink Magazine

Wine Wednesday Rioja Wine Chat

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

If you haven’t noticed I am a big fan of wine, I write about it every week, a lot of my Instagram posts involve wine and it’s a common topic on Twitter. There’s actually a wine chat every Wednesday night !

Last week’s chat was all about Rioja, but not just the deep ruby red rioja you might think. The first two wines were a white and rose. These were new to me and delicious!

CUNE Monopole 2012 (SRP: $15.99)

  • Pairs well with: Summer salads with arugula
  • This was crisp, with noticeable acidity and flavors of grapefruit and herbs.

El Coto Rosado 2012 (SRP: $12.99)

  • Pairs well with: Spanish Serrano or Iberian ham
  • A lovely rosé with a hint of tart cherry and herbs but with just enough acidity to cleanse the palate.

Rioja (1 of 1)

Even if you don’t have all the wines check out #winechat on Twitter on Wednesday evenings (7:30 central/8:30 eastern) because you will always be entertained and may even learn a thing or two.

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