Food & Drink Magazine

Wine Wednesday Marilyn Sauvignon Blonde

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

It has been hot here, 100+ degrees hot. The interesting thing about Minneapolis is it is one of the places in the world that has as wide of a temperature swing. From –30 to over 100. Pretty crazy!

With those hot temperatures I have been drinking a lot more white. I will admit to not loving white but I have found a few that I do really like. Sorry white, red will always be my first love.

Wine Wednesday Marilyn Monroe (1 of 1)

I don’t normally buy wines for cute or kitschy labels or names, but this one came in my Swirl wine club. I paid for it I will be drinking it! Notes of grapefruit and pear and for around $16 a bottle. Liked it and would buy it again if it was a hot night.

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