Food & Drink Magazine

Wine Wednesday Broadbent Vinho Verde

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

Oh Vinho Verde, you make me so happy. I picture myself sitting ocean side in Portugal drinking you while looking at the sunset. Seriously, we did just that while in Portugal. And their vinho verde was cheap and delicious.


This was an actual sunset in Portugal- see I told you it was amazing!




But back to this Vinho Verde. Crisp, green, delicious and on sale for $8.99. A tiny bit effervescent and you could just taste the the coast of Portugal. Seriously. Buy a bottle sit outside and pretend you are in Portugal and I bet you can almost taste it.


Vinho Verde (2 of 3)


Vinho Verde (3 of 3)


Scott and I sat on the deck and enjoyed every single sip of this wine. Vinho Verde, when you are done right I love you. And I have a thing for the label, bright, fun and colorful. This was one I actually saved. And that doesn’t happen often!

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