Try-it Tuesdays:
This week I'm not bringing you the newest fitness technique or the coolest trend in workouts, but I'm inviting you to take a look at one of my favorite places for the whole family to get fit - my local YMCA.
More than four years ago, I joined the "Y" so my son (9 months at the time) could take swimming lessons. But once as a member, I was reeled in by so many things that it offered above just a gym with workout equipment and fitness classes. And recently the YMCA even announced even more to its already long list of value-added benefits with the induction of its new President/CEO Roberto Aguirre. So as the YMCA celebrates its annual capital campaign to raise money to provide financial scholarships to members of the community, I thought I'd share my 5 reasons why I love my Y (and you will, too!)
1. Friday spin class:
Ever looked forward to working out? I know that my Friday 9 AM Spin Class is the highlight of my Friday. Other members of this class know exactly what I mean as this class is like a therapeutic session to get out all the stress of the week and just let it go. For one hour we work to make it to the "top of the hill" with laughing, spinning, rocking out and sweating it out with the leadership of "Coach Melissa." Best of all, when you're done, you've worked off a lot more than just calories and earned a good atttitude in the meantime (and a bit of body odor, but that goes away with time!)...
2. Free Kids Zone:
Many gyms offer "daycare" for your kids while parents workout. But the YMCA goes above and beyond. REALLY. The staff is knowledgeable about your kids and ensuring they are happy, healthy and to make you feel good about making time for you to be fit. My first had health issues, so I was very interested in how attentive the caregivers would be. And now after four years, I can say that sometimes they would tell me things I didn't even notice like if they started to feel sick or even those first steps. And there are also activities they do, so they don't just put your kids in front of a TV. Bottomline, they put the care in daycare at the Y North Branch Kids Zone.
Want to see my other 3 reasons I love my Y? Then check them out here on
So the question isn't really "Why the Y", but why not?
(Just ^ press the button above ^ to donate!)
YMCA – North Branch
1005 Skyline Drive
Arlington, TX 76011
(817) 548-9622