Science is one of the foundational elements of current human existence. So much of what we live in today's world is a direct result of science and it's amazing success. Unfortunately it's become one of the most distracting and confusing parts of our world, particularly when it comes to health. We are bombarded by reports of new research on a daily basis and I don't know if a news program goes by without a mention or segment on a new study that shows this or that.
Too bad most everything you hear in this manner is interesting at best and absolutely wrong and harmful at worst.
I've written quite a bit on this before ( & What Elementary Science Can Reteach Us) but I think this video I came across last night very nicely sums up how we should think about all this science we come across these days. It's from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver so it's done for satire and laughs but is right on target with its message. It's almost 20 minutes but worth the watch, particularly if you ever find yourself believing the "amazing new findings" from a new study...
Take everything you hear from "science" and remember this video before you believe it or change anything you do.
Thanks for reading, have a great day!
Categories: Health & Wellness, Health Philosophy, Perspective, Philosophy, Research, Things That Interest Me | Tags: don't trust science, flaws, health, health research, is science right, new study, nutrition, nutrition flaw, nutrition science, problems with science, research, research problems, science | Permalink.