Career Magazine

Wedding Planners – DO’s and DON’Ts for Selecting a Niche

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

Wedding Planners Need to Target Their Marketing To a Specific Group of Brides

When it comes to marketing your wedding planning services, I believe it’s best to select a niche, a small group of brides to whom you market specific services, instead of trying to reach every bride.

Because I have written about this in the past, I get many requests from wedding planners asking for my opinion about the niche they selected. Based on my discussions with them, I’ve put together these DO’s and DON’Ts that will help you when selecting your niche.

DO – Think about your own background and interests

Finding a niche might be easier than you think if there are potential clients who might naturally gravitate to you because your background and interests are similar to theirs. Think about who you know, where you worship, where you go to workout, and the social groups you’re already are involved in. Your niche may be right in front of you.

DON’T – Select something trendy

The movie, “The Great Gatsby,” was very popular this Summer and there were wedding planners who went all out, spending a great deal of money marketing their ability to plan weddings in the “Gatsby Style.” While there may always be couples who are interested in this style, it’s best to avoid trends.

If costumes and a bit of theater interests you, you may choose to specialize in themed weddings, just make sure there are brides in the area that you serve who also have this interest.

DO – Look at the weddings you have planned

Even if you have planned more weddings for free that for a fee, think about the brides you worked with. Did they share some similar traits?
For example – Did they attend the same high school or university? Did they have the same career? Did they enjoy similar hobbies or sports? Were they or their spouse in the military?

When you see what they all had it common, realize that these are the brides who you have attracted and, with marketing, you could attract many more.

DON’T – Ignore the need to do research

To successfully attract your brides, you need to learn all about them. For example, if you are reaching out to brides in a different locale or who are of a different ethnic background, sexual preference, or religious preference than your own, do your homework to discover whether these groups are open to hiring wedding planners. If so, do your research and figure out what unique services they need you to provide so you can offer those services to them.

DO – Be specific

A new wedding planner recently told me she wanted to specialize in “non-traditional” weddings. That description means different things to different couples. To one, a “non-traditional” wedding may mean they want to get married in a park or beach versus a place of worship. To another it might mean they want a same-sex wedding. So have a clear vision of the brides you want to serve and make sure it comes across in your marketing.

And if you’d like to learn more about becoming a top wedding planner, claim your Free Instant Access to my Special Report “7 Steps to Becoming a Top Wedding Planner” when you visit

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