- You should target the lower abdominal muscles which found under the six famous muscles, as they are make you feel that there is a change happened in the body actually, so, do not neglect it because this affects a lot on the body.
- You may train abdominal muscles before the rest of daily workouts that you make, as it helps you in some cases to reach faster results by strengthening the abdominal muscles, but this does not apply on the day when of legs muscles, this is the day where you need all your internal energy to start with legs muscles in order to avoid injuries.
- Do not use heavy weights to strengthen the abdominal muscles, because repeating with light weights is better to this muscle as it helps it get rid of most of the surrounding fat and appearing well, this will help you a lot to make the abdominal muscles look good faster.
That's It , You Must be maintained on the Morning Workout and insanity workout calendar, health maintenance