Hair & Beauty Magazine

VDL Ready Action Pen Liner

By Beautifulbuns

When I attended the launch of VDL in Singapore, they generously gave us some goodies to try at home, and being the eyeliner fanatic that I am, I zoomed in on the eyeliner first.

VDL Ready Action Pen Liner
VDL Ready Action Pen Liner


VDL Ready Action Pen Liner (1)

VDL Ready Action Pen Liner (2)

VDL Ready Action Pen Liner (3)

VDL Ready Action Pen Liner (4)

VDL Ready Action Pen Liner (6

VDL Ready Action Pen Liner (5
A nice deep rich black eyeliner, to match my deep rich black dark eye circles. Note: I intentionally drew the line a little wonky cos I’ve got wonky eyelids. sigh.

I say…

This is a pretty decent eyeliner.

  • First of all, the packaging is as per usual – click-top cap with a sponge-tipped applicator.
  • The tip is soft enough on the hands. However, on my eyelids, I find that if I press it too hard, it’ll feel a little coarse against my eyelids. Soooo take it easy ladies.
  • Thankfully, the black is rich and intense enough – even one stroke is enough to manifest a nice deep black line.
  • The edge is sharp enough to draw a precise line and wing tip too.
  • Unfortunately, this isn’t waterproof. Sometime during the day, I didn’t know if it was my tears (from yawning too much) or my oillids that resulted in the slight smudging.
  • It doesn’t run dramatically at the first droplet of water though – I did have to put it under running water and rub slightly with my fingers to remove the eyeliner.
  • Also, for me, I find that it tends to smudge more if I apply it on the lower lid (vs the upper lid). Not sure if it’s cos my eyebags are too huge…

All in all, a decent eyeliner if you’re not planning to go Singin’ In the Rain any time soon.

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