

Beth, 20, Copywriter, Big, Beautiful, attempting a fashion blog. (weird, wonderful and cute according to my colleagues)



  • Sleek Review

    Sleek Review

    I was only introduced to Sleek in the summer, I had seen the brand and products floating about on some of the blogs I read but I’d never tried them for myself,... Read more

    Posted on 14 October 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

    Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

    As some of you may know I went and got my hair cut on Friday. I left my house looking like this! and came back looking like this! Read more

    Posted on 07 October 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Style It Saturday

    Style Saturday

    It’s that time of the month again, this month I was asked to choose the theme for the challenge and I chose Voluptuous Vixen. In my mind it’s when you wear an... Read more

    Posted on 28 September 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • OOTD: Tea Dance

    OOTD: Dance

    A few weeks ago my mum and me arranged a fund raising tea dance for church, we are hoping to raise enough to fit a toilet into church as there isn’t currently... Read more

    Posted on 27 September 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • The Autumn Tag


    You may or may not have seen that Georgina from Makeup Pix3 has started an Autumn tag, and so I decided to film it and pop it up on YouTube. I tagged Emily,... Read more

    Posted on 22 September 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Scent Like You

    Scent Like

    Source: We <3 It I don’t know about you but I find buying perfume very difficult. I really hate having to go to the perfume counters and test endless... Read more

    Posted on 16 September 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Tinkerbell Loves… August

    Tinkerbell Loves… August

    I thought I’d share with you some of the things that i’ve been loving through August. Blog: My favourite blog this month has been Polka Spots and Freckle Dots... Read more

    Posted on 04 September 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Makeup Look: Paranormal

    Makeup Look: Paranormal

    Today, I’ve decided to show you a makeup look that I created with my Illamasqua Paranormal palette. If you’ve seen my YouTube video where I showed you the... Read more

    Posted on 02 September 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Style It Saturday

    Style Saturday

    is a celebration of individuality which allows bloggers involved to showcase their own unique style. Each month there is a theme which we interpret to suit our... Read more

    Posted on 31 August 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Bloggers Slumber Party

    I was talking to Leah and Emily on twitter the other night and saying how awesome I thought it would be to have a bloggers slumber party, and both thought it... Read more

    Posted on 28 August 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Maybelline Gel Eyeliner

    Maybelline Eyeliner

    If you saw last Monday’s post you will have seen that I tried out MUA’s gel eyeliner and didn’t like it, the post can be found here. Read more

    Posted on 26 August 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • MUA Gel Eyeliner


    A few weeks ago I decided to have my first foray into gel eyeliner after discovering that it was an allergy that irritated my eyes rather than makeup. Read more

    Posted on 19 August 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Art Deco


    A wee while ago I picked this lipstick up on the Debenhams website. I had been looking at MAC Morange but I felt that the colour wasn’t bright enough for me. Read more

    Posted on 12 August 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Shop My Stash

    Shop Stash

    The other day I was clearing out my makeup collection, and discovered that I have a lot more than I thought I did. I always get stuck in a rut using the same... Read more

    Posted on 05 August 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • MUA: One Direction Lipstick Collection

    MUA: Direction Lipstick Collection

    I am sure that many of you are aware of the new makeup collection that has been released by MUA, this makeup collection is a One Direction range and consists... Read more

    Posted on 03 August 2013 FASHION, HAIR & BEAUTY, LIFESTYLE
  • Lush Leeds Spa 4th Birthday – Haul

    Lush Leeds Birthday Haul

    This is the last of my 3 posts about the day I spent in Leeds to celebrate the 4th Birthday of the Lush Spa. Today I thought I would share with you the... Read more

    Posted on 31 July 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Lush Leeds Spa 4th Birthday - Evening

    Lush Leeds Birthday Evening

    I’ll just warn you now that there will be lots of photos within this post, I got a little snap happy throughout the evening, which is always fun! Read more

    Posted on 30 July 2013 LIFESTYLE
  • Lush Leeds Spa 4th Birthday – Day

    Lush Leeds Birthday

    A couple of months ago I was invited to Lush Leeds Spa to help them celebrate their 4th birthday, and after only really discovering Lush at the Sheffield Meet U... Read more

    Posted on 29 July 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • A Beauty Tag

    The lovely Kaye tagged me in the Beauty Tag over on her blog, and so I decided that I would film it for you, but that I would also write it as a blog post just... Read more

    Posted on 28 July 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • A Trip to Howarth

    Trip Howarth

    Yesterday I met up with my old friend Hannah for a day out together, we decided that we would take a trip to Howarth because neither of us had been in a while... Read more

    Posted on 27 July 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE