When a baby sleeps mama can do some work...
I was so tired yesterday that I felt asleep in my cloths, waking up this morning fully dress. I was very disoriented what has happened.
Full time mom and a business woman in one not always work perfectly. There are ups and downs but who doesn't have it. We are all responsible for our own choices and actions.
1️⃣ My number one priority is my son.
2️⃣ My biggest goal is to be location and financially independent.
3️⃣ My dream is to live with my whole family. Has a little garden and be able to do what I love the most: cooking for my loved one (including making jars and bake cakes). And read, read, read. And finally at the end of the day have a glass of wine with people I love and enjoy the company...
Sometimes I have no power and motivation to work. Yes even a coach can lack motivation from time to time.
Sometimes I just wish to cuddle my son and run away far far from here...
Than I look at my son and I know that I work that hard to be able to enjoy him as much as possible.
It is worth it even though it is hard.
Ups and downs... on LinkedIn

Life&Career Coach/Virtual Assistant. Creative mom. Enjoy walks with my son. Inspired by people&places. Like books. Love coffee. @dreamjobdiva View all posts by Dream Job Diva