As much as I want to say I accomplished all my goals last night and today, I didn't. But I wanted to add to the story the small accomplishments so that you don't lose hope.
I was up and moving this morning by 4:00 am! I was slowly rolling out of bed just after 3:30 am after laying there a bit and thinking, "Really?!", but I succeeded in getting up. A huge motivating factor was the load of clothes I went to bed with them still tumbling in the dryer. Our washer and dryer are outside so I knew they would pick up some night moisture so they needed a little tumble more and needed to be folded. So I wandered out into the dark wrapped up in a lovely rope from my sister and nieces, got the dryer tumbling, and went in to start coffee, put dishes away, start the diffuser, feed the pets, and sit down for my morning bible and devotional reading...sipping on that coffee.
Then it was time to gather the clothes, put the horse's baby pads and towels into the dryer (yes, I started those last night on my way to bed), warm up the cold coffee, take a couple more sips, fold the clothes, and look at the clock. Nope. No workout time as it was time to actually remember to pack the lunch for darling daughter, get mine packed, change clothes, and head to work.
Where does the time go?
I did pull off a morning coffee break mile run around the office after the sun came up and after chatting with darling daughter on her way to school - gotta love that morning ritual! Kinda makes being a working mom more bearable.
Am I feeling recharged? Nope.
I still feel disheartened I got no real running and working out time in but trust the process. Perhaps this is an unexpected recovery week as my body does feel beat up and I am still so tired. Barely keep my eyes open tired.
But it is also a time to remember where I have been and where I am going.
Today is day 2,456 of my running streak. That is 6 years, 8 months, and 20 days of running at least a mile and that is worth celebrating. In those days, I have had many weeks like this but I have also had amazing long run, high mileage, lots of cross training weeks. It is the ebb of flow of life and instead of fighting it, I just need to embrace it. And I am thankful for each of those days, each mile no matter how slow or how fast, and each run no matter how long or how short.
Each day is a new day, a fresh start, and I know I will wake up rejuvenated again....if not today, tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, than the next morrow.
God bless!