How far along? Twenty-five weeks and six days. Twenty-six weeks tomorrow. Two more weeks until I hit the third trimester.
Oh. M. G.
Baby's size? Baby girl is the size of a baseball glove.
Baby's nickname? We call her by her name at home and we refer to her as 'baby girl' with other people.Maternity clothes? Yes and I still love them very much! Exercise? Lots of cleaning around the house. And working out with my trainer today!
Sleep: There were some bad nights of sleep this week and there were some really good nights of sleep this week. Jax had his stitches taken out but he still has to wear a cone and a sock on his foot to keep him from licking his wound. He becomes a completely different dog when he has that cone on and he refuses to sleep away from us. So he won't stay in the dining room and he won't go in his crate. We put the dogs in our room one night and they slept well but I didn't. I wake up for every little noise so if they move, I wake up. The last two nights we've had them in the hallway. This way they can see us and they feel close enough but they're far enough away so that I can't hear every move they make. I have a feeling I am not going to sleep at all when baby girl arrives.
Best moment this week: There were so many. On Friday night baby girl went crazy when I watched a little bit of Michael Jackson's This Is It. Her daddy was able to feel her kicking during this. And then the next day we went over to my parent's house to talk about the baby shower with my mom and mother-in-law. We had Michael Jackson playing and she was kicking a ton again. I think she likes Michael Jackson already and that makes me so happy. We were able to finish our registry...finally. I found some very cute clothes for her and I've started hanging them in her closet {photo below}. I found a cute canvas for her room and I'll slowly be adding other items for her walls as I see items that I like. I went to the doctor's yesterday {more about that here} and found out that so far, all of my tests and vitals show that the baby is extremely healthy. Her heart beat sounded so much louder now that she is getting bigger. I remember the first couple of times it would take a while for them to locate her heart beat. Now there is no need to search. I hope I'm not forgetting anything but those were a lot of good moments.
Miss anything? Sleep, I guess.
Movement: Tons. She moves all the time now.
Food cravings: I did want a good salad on Friday night so my husband took me to Souplantation. I also just needed to get out of the house after being home nearly two weeks straight with the doggies. It was nice to have a date night with him.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: GIRL!
Symptoms: Acne has gotten a lot better but it's still there. Not sure if I'll ever have that beautiful glowing skin you're supposed to get during pregnancy. I still have really bad rib pain from her kicking me. It's the worst at night when I'm laying down to go to sleep, which makes it hard to fall asleep some nights. I've also had some back pain but it's nothing too extreme.Wedding rings on or off? Still on
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: I'm so excited to get her room done. We'll be working on that this weekend. After that is done, I'll be extremely excited for her to make her debut!

I can still see my feet...I guess that means I have plenty of room to grow.