Fitness Magazine

Tuesday Tunes!

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Tuesday Tunes!Woo-hoo! 5 more sleeps until the Honolulu Marathon AND the new year is just around the corner. With that I have been structuring myself and my case you haven't noticed. See, I LOVE plans and perhaps that is what I like about training. All those training plans! Okay, I may not love all the training runs but planning....that I can do!
So perhaps all of this blog planning will turn out like my training for races and sometimes it will happen and sometimes it won't but in all reality, I am hoping it will happen. To help keep me accountable I will tell you my plan. See this is completely like running! I tell you all of my running plans too!
The Blog Plan:
  • Monday Motivation
  • Tuesday Tunes
  • Random Wednesdays
  • Friday Favorites

Yes, my plan is to blog four days a week and Wednesdays are my free for all days when I can throw in those random posts I love to add. So today we are returning to something I started way back when in 2011 --- Tuesday Tunes!
The rekindling of this post series was sparked by a song I heard on the radio coming into work. My first thought was "I must Shazam this!" I wanted it on my run play list. It would be perfect! Okay, it has nothing to do about running but the message "shake it off" seems perfect when you are running 26.2 miles and doubts sink in. Just "shake it off!".
Can you guess today's song? Shake it Off by Taylor Swift. But should I be worried that the tag in Shazam doesn't have a Download on iTunes button? I will check later when I am sitting at my computer. I so want this song on race day which means....I better get working on it ASAP!

Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for mobile banking and check deposits!
Daily Affirmation: I will shake it off.

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