Hair & Beauty Magazine

Travel: KBeauty Cruise with The Face Shop, Belif and VDL on SuperStar Virgo

By Beautifulbuns

The last time I went on a cruise was back in 1999 with my JC classmates – yes, it was that long ago, way before the era of handphones (much less smartphones!). Why, it’s only been 15 years – of course there’s no reason to turn down the kind invite from The Face Shop, Belif and VDL to hop aboard the Kbeauty Cruise on SuperStar Virgo.

Photo taken from here.  I was too excited to go aboard so I totally forgot to take a photo of the ship before going on.

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Reaching the Grand Piazza on Level 7, which is essentially the lobby with all the guest services.

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The Grand Piazza is indeed grand – we boarded the ship on Valentine’s Day, which was still CNY, and thus explains the festive decor. Note that on Level 8, there’s now a Duty Free area where you can shop for skincare, fragrances and makeup.

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The Duty Free area even sells timepieces. Your money is not safe hohoho.

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Entering our balcony class room on Level 11 – hey,  what’s that sitting on my bed?

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Omg the best welcoming gift(s) ever! Goodies from The Face Shop, Belif and VDL, perfect for a makeup and skincare junkie like me

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Temporarily diverting my attention from the goodies on my bed to the neighbouring ship that we can see from our balcony wheeee.

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Just look at the super blue waters!

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2 seats on the balcony for cosy tete-a-tete chats

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Sticking my arm out to get this shot (and secretly having a death grip so that my camera or I don’t fall into the waters)

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  Sort of a selca?

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More welcome goodies (which was a really sweet gesture), but we ended up too busy to eat them anyway -sad face-

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Time to tour the ship ! I noticed that the lifts usually took a long time to get to your level, and by the time they came, they were usually packed full, or I had to give up the space to whichever old lady was standing beside me . I just seem to attract them. Why?!

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Anyhoos – Valentine’s Day decor in the Mediterranean Buffet area

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This is but a fraction of the amount of food available – we had a Korean ship staff member bringing us around, so I didn’t want to lag the group too much by being too trigger happy.

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Walk to the al fresco area of the Mediterranean Buffet, and you’ll see this – the children’s pool

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So tempted to dip my feet in, but clearly, I’m way past children-age.

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Wandering over to the other area of the ship to the Pantheon Pool – isn’t it pretty?

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Ooh mama – check out the (covered)  slide that leads into the Pantheon Pool

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Although I didn’t bring my swimsuit, I probably wouldn’t have had time to get wet and wild either. Such a waste – I’ll conquer you one day!


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Our last view of Singapore – we’ll be back in 3 days!

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Heading down towards Samurai (the japanese restaurant) for our dinner with The Face Shop, VDL and Belif

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Delicious food accompanied by awesome skincare products – seriously, this is what rocks my boat (thankfully there really wasn’t much rocking of the actual boat)

Day 2

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Making our way to The Lido for our Kbeauty Workshop

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And the stage is set!

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The Lido is really grand and can sit plenty of audience

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Lenus from VDL blowing my mind with her amayzzing Mandarin hosting skills. Oh yes, those legs are to die for too.

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The Face Shop’s suncare product range  -did you know they even have a sunblock specifically for babies and infants?

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The marketing manager of The Face Shop telling us all about the benefits of their products

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Next up – Belif’s new range of whitening and brightening products! Check out my review of the Brightening Cleanser here.

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Belif’s Trainer telling us about Belif and how it’s all about herbs and Napier’s Original Formula. By now, you should know that I’m a fan of Belif products and it’s super good for my skin

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During the intermission – I actually thought the crowd was zooming off to the toilet, but I was wrong. This is  the first time in my life that I see people thronging, rushing, cheonging to spend moneh. Woah.

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Managing to squeeze my way in between to see what’s on sale – special edition VDL eyeshadows with casings!

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Woah. Big lady boss of The Face Shop is also helping with the customers.  It’s rare these days to see the big bosses taking the floor.

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Happy and satisfied customers lugging their purchases back to their rooms

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As for us, it was time to head over to the Celebrity Disco for our VDL makeover!

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My VDL look!

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More goodies after our makeover – I’m in heavennnnn.

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Heading to the Gala Dinner with Isabelle

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Two special guests at our dinner – Mediacorp artists and real-life couple Edmund Chen and Xiang Yun

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And time for the traditional lohei! Check out the ginormous pair of chopsticks!

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The non-Chinese (Filipino I think) staff happily and merrily chanting out traditional Chinese proverbs


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Dawn (who’s SUPER CHIO and I totally have a girl crush on her) telling Elaine “don’t take photo already! time to lohei!”

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And there, the aftermath – we Chinese like to toss our salads as high as possible (and create a gigantic mess in the process).

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Dinner is served!

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Edmund Chen (who’s really friendly and has a good command of English as well), me, Carol from VDL and Xiang Yun

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And another surprise guest – Daren Tan (of Project SuperStar fame), who’s also an oldddd friend of mine and we go wayyy back and used to parteh together at Zouk.


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After dinner, we rushed over to Samurai to finish our dining credits – look at that.. $13 for one Chawanmushi (steamed egg beancurd).

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What we ordered – I don’t care if I was already half-full from dinner. Nobody turns down Japanese food. Nobody.

The next morning…

It was time to check out, and since we were special guests of both The Face Shop Group and SuperStar Cruises, we got to alight first. Like numero uno. hohoho.

As we awaited the ship to dock at the harbour, this was what I saw (and totally wakened me up)  – 3 of The Face Shop Group’s lady boss’s children. OMG TOO CUTE I WANTS TO BRING THEM HOME!

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Here they are, checking out each other’s game processes on their respective ipads, whilst the youngest one entertains himself with the luggages. Note that the children are sitting on their own luggages (which can be rolled along as well, super convenient!)

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And didi gives up and decides to stone. AWWWWWW.

Many, many, many thanks to both The Face Shop group (The Face Shop, VDL and Belif) for inviting me along on this trip, and also to SuperStar Virgo for being such gracious hosts. :D  I had such a ball of a time and I totally can’t wait for the next one! xoxo

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