I am in an odd training phase right now as my key races are way out there in September and December. I just commented to dear hubby last night it is hard to train without a race closer. He says I will have races but without them officially registered for I feel like I am wavering. And a part of me is sad that this will be the second year in a row I am not running the Run for the Whales. Guys and gals, I seriously LOVED running that race and invite you to do the same - live or virtually! But I digress, training last week....well, in one word....sucky.
Last week sucked and I really hope my efforts this morning are not an indicator of how this week will go. I thought my body may have been responding to lack of sleep, stress at work, or the daily yoga. Who really knows and I don't think I can put too much effort into trying to ascertain what the thing is since it may be all of them combined. What I do need to do is look at what I did and plan on where to go from there. So here we go!
Monday: I ran 1.5 miles at home after driving through crazy traffic to get darling daughter from school. Traffic here is pretty non-existent but this was awful. I added in 15 minutes of yoga - beginner relaxation - and darling daughter said my eyes went from red to blue.
Tuesday: 3.38 miles before work and they were hard. The treadmill is feeling foreign to me. It took pure determination to keep running. I followed it up with 15 minutes of yoga - beginner flexibility - and that lifted my spirits. I ran another 4 miles at home and those felt more natural.
Wednesday: 3 awkward miles before work again. Geesh! Why do I feel like I am a ping pong bouncing around on this darn treadmill? I am so tense. 15 minutes of yoga - beginner flexibility - but I am thinking about up'ing my yoga classes to the intermediate level.
Thursday: 2.5 miles on the home treadmill. I couldn't resist the temptation to cuddle more with darling daughter in the morning but ended up missing getting my exercise done before work. I also did 30 minutes of intermediate flexibility. Some of these poses are a bit challenging - gotta love it!
Friday: Got my bootie to the gym before work for 2.88 miles - miles of determination and frustration. I really wanted 3 but my legs felt foreign, the treadmill is still feeling weird, I gave up and went to the corner in the gym for some yoga - 15 minutes of beginner flexibility to give my body and mind some love. Once home I did another 3 miles of running. I know I am stressed with work and all I need to do - I know I need to keep on running to find that inner peace. It is there....somewhere.
Saturday: #megsmiles. 7.51 miles run at the gym in her memory and to honor my running streak day 7.51. It took over 4 miles for me to feel a bit more like me. It took over an hour of running for me to feel comfortable on the treadmill and trust my footfalls. This run started and ended with tears. My heart still aches for her family and friends, as well as another runner who lost his life due to a car hitting him. The tragedy is almost too much for me to bear. I followed it up with 15 minutes of beginner flexibility; however, I am now replacing some starter poses with the intermediate version. I ran another 3 miles later at home.
Sunday: Kind of a funny running day. I ran 0.14 miles and the breaker blew. It took darling daughter and I a moment to realize no, the power didn't all go out but boy does that house get dark quick! Did another 5 miles on the treadmill and took a break to get dinner started and a load of laundry in the washer. Back on the mill for another 3.75 miles to reach my goal of another 40 mile week. Followed it up with yoga - 15 minutes of beginner relaxation. I need more inner peace.
One month check in!
All in all, I should be happy I achieved a 40 mile week but I am troubled by how hard the easy runs felt. I still attribute a lot of that to lack of sleep and stress. I am having nightmares and that is negatively impacting my sleep and frame of mind. There is so much going on and I know I am blessed to be able to run and do yoga every day. I am. I just need a day with some good news so tell me, who's having a baby? Getting married? Got a new job? PR'd? Found true love?But seriously, I do see the goodness around me. I feel it in my heart and am honored to be part of the running community. A group of people who will run in memory of people they may never have met in real life. Thank you for caring!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful my daughter's swim coach is okay after having a cycling accident. I am thankful my stepson is okay after being hit by a car while on his cycle. I am thankful my co-worker and dear friend's mom is okay after being rushed to the hospital. I am thankful that my cousin's daughter is okay after falling off of a horse. But I still mourn the loss of two runners I never met and I mourn the loss of a wonderful lady, a great volunteer, who will be deeply missed. It has been a tough week and a half for me. I am thankful I am finally able to write the words down even if it means I am shedding more tears.
Daily Affirmation: My empathy makes me a better person.