Hair & Beauty Magazine

Too Cool For School Dinoplatz Escalator Mascara

By Beautifulbuns

Last week saw the launch of two brands in Singapore, the first being Japanese Orbis (pronounced Orubis, and not orbit, which unfortunately happens to be local slang for backdated), and the second one being Too Cool For School.  Since I’d already bought this last month in Korea,what better time than now to whip it out and share the love with everybardy?

TCFS Dinoplatz Escalator Mascara
Too Cool For School Dinoplatz Escalator Mascara – S$38

TCFS Dinoplatz Escalator Mascara info eng

TCFS Dinoplatz Escalator Mascara (1)
See the nondescript knob at the end of the mascara? That’s how you can adjust the mascara head length.

TCFS Dinoplatz Escalator Mascara (2)
Stretched out for lengthening, and scrunched in for voluminising

TCFS Dinoplatz Escalator Mascara (3)
After lengthening and voluminising, I present to you, Le Turbanator!

I say…

This is a pretty decent mascara.

  • The packaging is ridiculously cute and quirky, to the point that even though I’ve already opened the mascara to use, I still have the packaging in my room. It’s supposed inspired by the New York skyline.
  • The tube of the mascara is matte, so no fingerprints there.
  • It coats my lashes relatively evenly.
  • The novelty of this (besides its packaging) is also the twist-turn knob. When the mascara applicator head is stretched out, it gives me lash extension – not wow-ish, but decent enough. When you shorten the mascara applicator head, it gives your lashes (some) volume.
  • My lashes also don’t feel heavy – in my photos, I did not use any lash primer, nor lash curler. Pretty decent eh, its uplighting effect. After 4 hours, it’s still uplifted. -grudging nod of approval-
  • It also lengthens my lashes by about 20% (oops, sorry, forgot to take a “before” photo).
  • I like that despite lengthening and voluminising (this means about 3 coats at the minimum), it doesn’t clump.
  • The one gripe I have with this product is – it’s not waterproof. On the bright side, it’s easily removed at the end of the day, but just make sure that you don’t do one of those massive hippo yawns that results in tearing – you’ll defo qualify for a role in a melodrama MV with runny mascara. (p.s. if it’s any consolation, it doesn’t streak, but comes off in bits).

Overall a pretty decent mascara to try on pay day – at $38 it isn’t exactly the most affordable, but I guess you need to factor in the shipping costs. I’m just glad I bought mine in Korea.

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