Hair & Beauty Magazine

Tony Moly Aqua Aura Jelly Tint Cheek

By Beautifulbuns

I used to have this strange mindset that those with oily skin couldn’t do cream / stick blushers – somehow, I thought that using powder blushers would help absorb the sebum and prevent it from melting and sliding down my cheeks. Thankfully, I’ve since changed my mindset. I’m not sure if it’s because of le  very old age, or simply become I’ve come across some awesome products.

Tony Moly Aqua Aura Jelly Tint Cheek
Tony Moly Aqua Aura Jelly Tint Cheek in shade 01 Pink Angel

Tony Moly Aqua Aura Jelly Tint Cheek (2)

Tony Moly Aqua Aura Jelly Tint Cheek colours

Tony Moly Aqua Aura Jelly Tint Cheek (4)

Tony Moly Aqua Aura Jelly Tint Cheek (3)


I say…

I bought this in Korea sometime last year but never really got around to opening it. Most new brooms sweep clean but unfortunately, this doesn’t really do it.

  • The packaging itself is simple – click-top cap and a twist-up delivery system (ala lipstick-style).
  • The stick itself is moist and doesn’t drag on my skin whilst applying directly.
  • The product is touted to give you rosy and moist and dewy cheeks – I guess there’s no advertising lie there. It’s really, really moist and dewy.
  • I guess the payoff is that there’s barely any colour. To achieve the colour seen in the swatches above, I had to layer on 5 layers directly from the stick.
  • What’s more, if you decide to apply using the stick on your face, you’ll find that more of your foundation ends up on the stick, than colour on your cheeks.
  • Applying using your fingertips also results in the same problem – most of the pink tint ended up on my fingers instead.
  • When you do eventually get the colour onto your cheeks, it’s a nice and natural rosy tint, kinda like wind-bitten cheeks. It’s a lovely colour I must say.

Overall, a not-so-awesome product, with its only plus point being its cheap price tag. At KRW5,000 you can’t really complain much. I guess I’ll stick to my Esprique Melty Cheek and The Face Shop Petit Stick for now.


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