Food & Drink Magazine

Thursday Thoughts: Living with a Pig and Things I Loved This Week

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

I feel like this week flew by, it’s already Thursday! Work has been crazy busy and Scott has been helping a friend so he’s been working long hours too. Since he was home pretty late most nights I took the opportunity to do a little organizing and cleaning.

Mr Henry (our pig) has been quite naughty and going potty on our dining room rug. We are working hard on correcting this behavior but we moved the rug completly out of the room. I also bought a cleaner and sprayed the heck out of every surface on our main floor. Pigs are super sensitive to smell and will keep doing a certain behavior until an odor is removed. Enter Odormute. If you have furry friends in  your life I highly recommend this. It’s a true enzyme cleaner and completely eliminates odors.  You can use it in a spray bottle or a carpet cleaner. I mixed up a big batch last night and got spraying away. This weekend we will clean the entire rug with this. Fingers crossed this works! I can say that I could smell the odor on the floor before and after I used this it was gone. Henry walked over there a few times and no accidents.

Odormute Pet Odor Eliminator, Unscented - 15 oz

I washed all of our floors with this cleaner and am really hoping it works! I used my Shark Steam & Spray. I’ve had it a few years and LOVE it. Washable mop pads and you can add a cleaner to it too. I just sprayed the odormute all over the floor and mopped around. Our main level has all hardwoods, so at least it’s easy to clean!

Thursday Thoughts: Living with a Pig and Things I Loved This Week

So how is it going with Henry? Good and bad. He is so funny and has quite the personality but pigs can be VERY naughty. You need to  keep them entertained, he is a big fan of plastic bags and puzzle balls. If he is in his room he has no issues using his litterbox but under the dining room table became his 2nd favorite spot to go. Let’s hope a few more cleanings of that area and reinforcment for using his litterbox will cure this bad behavior.

His favorite things:

Standing in front of the heating vents (warmth!)

Plastic bags to stomp around on

Wheaties (I got a sample box and he has eaten most of it)

Hearing the closet door open, he knows that’s where we keep his food/treats and he will come running

Snuggles. If you lay on his bed with him he loves to snuggle up with you and get belly rubs

Most night he gets a vegetable snack, this week has been spinach and he happily chomps away

Our entry way rug. He is rooting on it big time!

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Sudden movements really scare him

Being cold

Tanner chasing him (oh yes, they all have their moments)

Wiping his eyes

Being scolded. Pigs are really sensitive and his feelings get hurt easily.

So that’s life with a pig!

Along with cleaning and organizing Henry’s mess, I spent time getting rid of more plastic containers. We use glass for food storage but I still had quite a few cheap plastic water bottles. They are all gone. The only ones I have in the cabinet now are BPA free plastic bottles, glass and stainless steel. My favorite glass water bottle? Lifefactory. I have one at home and one at my desk at work. Loving this pretty aqua color too!

Thursday Thoughts: Living with a Pig and Things I Loved This Week

I’ve noticed that I am not drinking as much water at home after work and this needs to change immediately. I picked up this cute stainless steel cup and am working on drinking at least 2 from the time I am home until the time I go to bed.

Thursday Thoughts: Living with a Pig and Things I Loved This Week

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