How far along? Thirty-nine weeks and six days.
Baby's size? Baby is the size of a small pumpkin.
Baby's nickname? We call her baby, baby girl and Acacia.Maternity clothes? Yes, mostly wearing all maternity clothes. A few pre-pregnancy tops still fit but not many.Exercise? Walking and I've been doing some exercises on a medicine ball. Hoping it will help induce labor.
Sleep: So little. Getting me used to lack of sleep when Acacia is here.
Best moment this week: I know it sounds silly, but getting a vacuum cleaner for Mother's Day from my parents made me so happy!
Miss anything? Alcohol. All the ladies had Peach Bellini on Mother's Day except me.
Movement: Tons of movement still. Some of it is even becoming a bit painful to me. She's getting so strong!
Food Cravings: Sweets and carbs. Anything making you queasy or sick: No and my acid reflux is getting better. I've been trying to avoid tomato based foods and citrus things. I had a lemonade from Chick-Fil-A and it was soooo good but it was extremely painful so that was the last of that.
Gender: GIRL!
Symptoms: Acne, a bit of acid reflux but much better this week and lack of sleep.Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! Looking forward to: Baby girl's arrival! At my last appointment with my midwife she checked and let me know that my cervix was closed and I was not dilated at all. If Acacia doesn't come on her own, I will be induced on May 26th. I'm trying lots of natural remedies to get things going but nothing has worked yet. I still don't have contractions. Minor cramping but that's all. Everyone is telling me she's too comfortable and I take that as a compliment.

Taken at exactly thirty-nine weeks.

On Saturday morning my husband and I had a date. We grabbed coffee, walked the farmer's market and went out to breakfast. Savoring our last moments of just us.

My husband woke up before me on Mother's Day and made me breakfast. I was very excited because he's not a breakfast person and he never cooks breakfast. He had also made French Press coffee the night before so we could have iced coffee.

Mother's Day lunch at my parent's house was steak, ribs, mashed potatoes, biscuits, veggies and salad. All delicious!

My mom and mother-in-law.

Us with the grandma's.

Us with the grandpa's.

My vacuum! I went home and vacuumed that night.

My in-laws got me this cute Mama Bear mug.

In & Out. Wednesday afternoon craving. It was SO GOOD!

I ordered Raspberry Leaf Tea - both in bags and loose leaf. I've read that it helps with labor and it helps the healing process after labor. It's an herbal tea so I can drink it all day long. This will be my first child so obviously my first labor. I'll have nothing to compare it too. BUT if I do feel like this tea really did help me, I'll definitely do a write-up on it.

My Raspberry Leaf Tea let me know that Acacia will not be coming on her due date.