Fitness Magazine

The Seven Sorrows of the Mother of God

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
To me, overall fitness is more than physical fitness. It also involves emotional and spiritual fitness. My Catholic faith is my foundation in all aspects of my life. With that being said, today I wanted to share the Seven Sorrows of the Mother of God. I reflect on these seven sorrows almost daily and they are helping to ground me in what really matters in life and focus my will on what is important. 
Feel free to print out the image below. I laid it out on a letter sized page of paper, folded in half, and laminated for myself and to include with the Seven Sorrows prayer beads darling daughter and I make. If you are interested in a one-of-a-kind handmade Seven Sorrows prayer bead set, email me. The cost is $20 per set and the prayer beads also include medals for each of the seven sorrows. Price includes shipping in the continental United States. I am willing to ship internationally but will need to charge you additional shipping costs.
The Seven Sorrows of the Mother of God

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