Fitness Magazine

The Reason My Running Hasn't Been Happening

By Sarahohm @sarahohm
Good Morning Beautiful,
I hope you've all been having a great weekend, and a great LONG weekend to my fellow Canadians!! I'm loving that today is my Saturday, I feel like I'm going to be getting more accomplished, except for I'm totally not. Want to know why? I recently discovered a new tv show called Scandal. Have you heard of it? Kerry Washington is the main role as Olivia Pope and she is.. well... BADASS! Season 1, which was a short season of only 7 episodes, is on Netflix so that's how I got hooked. It's an unbelievably good show I would highly recommend it, only if you have the time on your hands because I haven't blogged in like 4 days and that's easily because I've been so distracted by this show.
The last time I blogged I believe I had ran on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and had two work events to go to on Thursday and Friday so I wasn't sure I was going to be able to get a run in on those days. I, unfortunately, have not gotten any runs in since Wednesday which is not good. However, today is a brand new day and I plan on hitting up the treadmill quite soon actually. It's beautiful outside but for some reason my Nike+ GSP Watch has stopped working and last time I used it told me I was running 4-4.5 minute km's, which is so not what I run, I'm more of a 5.5-6 kinda gal, so I haven't had much faith in the watch since then. I've actually been avoiding running outside because I don't have anything to help me track my km's, and because I run on path's along the water, it's hard to map it out online to see how far I went... and if I did have a specific amount of km's to run, I'd never know when I hit it. My Blackberry also won't allow any GPS apps to work for some reason (Reason #1224324 why I hate BB's) so I literally have no device that allows me to track my km's. So until I do, it's the treadmill.
What do you use to track your km's/miles when running? Do you have any recommendations for something I should invest in for this?
On Friday night, I made my famous cauliflower curry soup again - ugh, I just love it so much. I ate a massive bowl of it and then had a bloated belly because I ate so much. Needless to say we stayed in on Friday night and just hung out with some red wine. It was nice. Yesterday C and I went for a fun walk downtown. We had seen this store online that he wanted to check out which said it was close to us. We ended up walking a lot and not finding the store, but we did get to check out other stores and that's always fun! I love walking downtown Toronto because you always see something new. There were like 4 different places that I hadn't known about and saw for the first time today, even though I used to run down those streets all the time. There was also a few new bars that I saw that I want to check out now! I love exploring the city on foot :). After walking for about 2 hours, we had worked up an appetite so we picked up some Caribbean food... have you ever had Jamaican food before? It's one of my favorite cuisines out there... These are some of my favorite Jamaican foods...

The Reason My Running Hasn't Been Happening

Curry chicken with Rice and Beans

The Reason My Running Hasn't Been Happening

Jamaican Patty

The Reason My Running Hasn't Been Happening

Fried Plantain

The Reason My Running Hasn't Been Happening

Jerk Chicken

We don't get Jamaican food often, so it's a delicious treat when we do :). Yesterday I got curry chicken with a piece of jerk chicken and a patty. Mmmm... I actually just ate leftovers for breakfast. This weekend has not been paleo.
In all honesty, I haven't been as strict with my diet lately. So I figured out a way to get me through this week by clean eating and being strict with myself!! I'm going to keep a strict food journal for the week and share it daily with you. My posts on my normal days off might be shorter because of my studying but I will check in every day with how I'm doing, and any and all forms of motivation would be great! I'm not sure why I've fallen off the bandwagon, but it's time to get back on! Today we're going to get groceries so I am going to plan out my meals in advanced so I know exactly what I'm eating. I've never planned out my meals before, I usually just take whatever is in the fridge, so this should be new to me. Wish me luck!
Other than groceries and going for a workout today, I'm going to be studying! Wahoooo! I want to see how close I can get to finishing my current course this weekend. I hope I can concentrate and really get a lot done. Maybe I should go down to the common room of our building, it's usually quiet and there's no internet to distract me. Hm...
Tomorrow is Family Day here in Canada so C and I are going for lunch to my cousins house! It's always fun to see the kiddies and catch up, I'll take photos so you can see the munchkins. Happy Family Day!!
I'd love reco's on what to use to track km's outside... so please leave me a comment and let me know! See you tomorrow for a foodie check-in and some photo's from Family Day!
The Reason My Running Hasn't Been Happening

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