What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.
Henry David Thoreau
Can you believe that the top reason for setting big goals is not to accomplish them, but to grow and change personally? When you set goals that you want to reach, many times you have to learn new skill sets. You may even have to step out of your comfort zone.
For instance, when I began graduate school with the goal of obtaining my Master’s degree, I had to get used to the rules and inner workings of a D-1 University.
I think the biggest shock of all for me was that undergraduate studies had crippled me. All the things administration and coaches did for me when I registered for undergrad, I had to do for myself. Talk about a fish out of water!
However, I learned how to succeed and thrive in a graduate school environment. I learned things about myself- I learned that I can take care of myself. I can do what I need to do to make it. The same mentality carries over to fitness enhancement and weight loss management.
Gaining the confidence to maintain a fit, healthy body depends on the ability you feel you have to feed your body with healthy foods, perform enough exercise, and handle stressful situations that may sabotage any progress you’ve made.
When you make it to the other side of your weight loss and fitness journey, you are now a person who can do the following:
- plan for challenges
- know what foods make you feel energetic and healthy
- know what types of exercise make you feel strong, sane, and balanced
- manage stress with healthy tools, and know when to give into comfort food
- accept yourself no matter your shape or size
- view exercise and movement as a form of self-love
Who is the person you want to become when you reach your fitness and weight loss management goals?
Pamela Brown
Fitness & Body Confidence Coach for Overstressed Women
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