A Mail Order Bride.
My husband "can't get an Aussie chick" and hence, has to "import a mail order bride".

My emotions went from red-faced shock to a sense of betrayal to anger and then slowly whittled down to.... embarrassment.
This workmate/friend, though we haven't spoke to of late, is not just an acquaintance. He was someone we hung out with, had drinks with... he stayed over once after having some drinks and a long chat... my husband and I even woke up early the next morning to cook him bacon and eggs.
This workmate/friend was someone we bought gifts for on our travels and holidays. I even bought a bunch of nice things, make up and perfumes for his girlfriend.
This person was also someone my husband considered a mate. So much that my husband even went out to his property 1.5 hours away... to {wait for this} mow his yard for him.
Because my husband is a very giving friend. He is a very nice, loyal friend. Top bloke to his mates. I can tell you, my husband has not just lent our lawn mower to his other friends but even gone to the extent of actually mowing their yards for them. Just because. {But lawn mower stories aside...}
Because we have common friends/acquaintances, I am now wondering how many people he has mocked us to.
And because I don't expect people to be that nice, I am not surprised if people just laugh along.
I am utterly, completely upset.
Not less because it is simply a terrible, uncouth, rude thing to say.
But even more so because he was a friend we hung out with, had barbeques with, watched movies with and basically... trusted.
I'm obviously having a problem with the (offensive) things my husband's acquaintances/friends seem to loosely say and think nothing of. Many people use their male-dominated, vulgarity-frequent work environment as an excuse.
But some things you just don't say. Especially of people who have treated you well and consciously shown you a lot of hospitality and kindness.
As the initial anger fades away, I am left feeling embarrassed and humiliated. It is a surprising emotion that I didn't think to associate with this initially. But I am.
If a 'good' friend like that could mock us behind our backs, I wonder how many of the smiling people we meet mock us. I wonder how many of the smiling people who enter our house secretly mock us. I wonder how many of the smiling people who come over to borrow tools, borrow things, or borrow my husband's time and help secretly mock us.

I wish I could.
Why can't people be simpler? Or nicer.
Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT
Image source: Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3