Travel Magazine

The New Initiatives Help To Boost The Kerala Tourism

By Vishnudas

The New Initiatives Help To Boost The Kerala Tourism According to statistics provided at an event organised by Kerala Tourism in Chennai the maximum number of domestic visitors to Kerala came from Maharashtra, followed by Tamil Nadu.

At the Kerala Tourism Partnership Meet, S Harikishore IAS, Director, Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala, said that the state received Rs 21,000 crore as revenue from tourism in 2012. The new initiatives help to boost the tourist inflow by starting campaigns. The ‘Kerala Blog Express’, new blog for Kerala tourism, was to invite bloggers from around the world. After they submit their profiles, it will shortlisted a few and the bloggers with maximum number of votes will get to go on a two-week free trip in and around Kerala.

Another major initiative in the offing is the ‘Spice Route Project’ where an attempt will be made to trace an ancient spices route linking 31 countries with the aim of attracting foreign tourists. Officials recently presented the concept of the spice route to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and got their support for this project, officials said.
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