In the last 5 years, society has seemed to have gone one way - party party party.
Now, i'm not saying everyone is like that, but there has definitely been a big rise in the amount of people going out drinking, maybe it has something to do with all of the reality TV at the moment? who knows. I have spoken to quite a few people about this topic, and there seems to be a common answer - 'I don't want to lose my social life, just to lose some weight'. That really isn't the case.
There has actually been survey's done on this and the results have shown that a fair percentage of people that regularly go out and drink a fair amout of alcohol, admit that its because they have confidence issues, and alcohol helps them overcome those issues. You may see where i'm going with this. If you are someone that has weight issues and that in turn reduces your confidence, then you want to attack that problem, not to drink a lot to overcome it, which will actually add to the weight issues Many people don't realize how many calories alcohol actually has, and the bad effects that come with it. It is definitely possible to have a social life whilst on a weight loss plan. If you are someone that drinks because of a lack of confidence, then by losing the weight, you will gain a lot of confidence, which in turn will reduce 'the need' to drink alcohol to get over those confidence issues that you no longer have.
Some people drink a lot even if they love the way they look, and those people will find out the effects of that in about 10 years time...
It's a lot easier to lose weight when you're younger, so its best to get your weight 'sorted' in your younger years. What tends to happen, is younger people will enjoy being young, go out drinking, clubbing, partying, and then they will get to a point where they will start a family, and then the excuses will come out - 'I don't have time to lose weight', 'I've had a baby, that's why i'm overweight', and so on. It can be a vicious cycle really....
So, you need to make a choice, whether you want to carry on with a party lifestyle, or attack the issues head on, which will make you feel so much better about yourself. It's a simple question to me, but to other people, the thought of getting rid of the weight can be a scary one. Yes, it is hard work, and it is 'easier' to just do nothing about it and carry on with the party lifestyle, but you won't be happy...