Diaries Magazine

the Hole a Tree and a Whole Lot of Rock

By Stampmouse
we decided to take the 12 mile dirt road to the lava cast forest.  it was nearing the end of the day and rain was yet again flowing off and on.  
this was the big excitement of that trip
bend oregon
yep a hole in the ground.  not just any hole though a hole left by a tree that has finally rotted away from the lava.  you see some of the trees survived the lava and created these casts in the lava fields like this cool looking tree 
bend oregon
i love these twisted trees and took many pictures no worries you wont see anymore at least for now. hahaha
the area suggested to walk around in was about a mile each way we went about 1/4 of a mile and started watching the sky and decided time to head back.  so this last picture was of the field.  see that bit of rain in the background mountains?  yep rain and we barely made it back to the car and it was once again pouring on us. 
lava cast forest
and with that no more lava pictures at least for now we have another trip planned soon for the same area but will be going a little bit further south to a lake a special lake and also a little to the west to a quilt show. 

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