Fitness Magazine

The Effects of Flight on Your Body

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
The effects of flight on your bodyAloha All!
I am back in action after a three-week vacation. I didn't schedule posts ahead of time as I truly felt I would blog on the go. Ha! That didn't happen. But I do have a variety of posts lined up in my head for you and today I wanted to start with this post -- how flying impacts your body as I feel I felt it immensely on our way home. A very long day with three flights and two layovers that looked kinda like this -- fly 3.5 hours, layover 1 hour, fly 2 hours, layover 6 hours, fly 6 hours, home sweet home.
We got home very late Monday night with us reaching our house at almost 10 pm. This is a LONG day for two gals who were up at 4 am Texas time and got very little sleep on the flights. One time I did dose off a flight attendant woke me to ask me if I wanted coffee! Darling daughter looked at me after wards and said, "I didn't wake you this time."
This was a HUGE travel day as we got back to port Sunday morning, my mom drove us "home", and I washed and packed like crazy and tried to get to bed as early as possible before the big day arrived. I thought we were doing pretty good but Monday night I woke up and felt sick to my stomach and a bit shaky. Kinda like the world was swaying. I am feeling that sway again as I type but I think it is a mind trick. Perhaps my body thinks I am still on the water.
Come Tuesday morning (yesterday) I woke up after about 8 hours of sleep and slowly made my way to the treadmill to try to run. I thought I would run more but that mile hurt. My legs ached every step. My left ankle felt off to the point I just wanted to finish the streak mile (day 1657) and call it a fitness day done. Perhaps my body needed rest even though my past few workout days were light. Perhaps flying had an impact on me? This got me thinking and of course, researching.
Here are some of the effects of flying on your body:
  • Dehydration that has all those normal side effects as well as nasal membranes swelling as your mucous dries up. I tried to drink well but in all reality, I could see the effects of dehydration with my urine output. Sorry gang, just being honest. And my nose was drier than anything! And yes, your skin can dry out too.
  • Blood flow decreases and oxygen levels in your body decrease. This could make you feel sleepier but who knows, I was going on over 20 hours without decent sleep so I was tired.
  • Blood pools in your legs and feet. I often travel with compression socks on but foolish me, I packed them in the checked luggage on this big travel day and it may have been the day I needed them the most with all that up and down.
  • Gas in your intestines expands. I never really thought about this but yes, I was feeling more bloated and it makes perfect sense. We had a bottle with a straw that folds down. Towards the end of flight 3 I opened it to sip some SOS and got an SOS fountain instead....and a very wet lap. Darling daughter was not amused. 

Looking at that list is like the proverbial light bulb going off. No wonder my run yesterday morning felt off. My body had a lot of recovering to do and I spent that recovery day school supply shopping, a trip to Costco to stock up of fruit, veggies, and more, unpacking, horse lessons, and more. Isn't that how all runners recover?

Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for my mom and her awesome hospitality --- and for taking us on a cruise!

Daily Bible Verse: Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. ~ Philippians 2:9-11

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