Health Magazine
The daily super stimulus to prevent diabetes, or maybe not?
Today a newly released case report in the British Medical
Journal caught my attention: "Towards creating a superstimulus to
normalise glucose metabolism in the prediabetic: a case-study in the
feast-famine and activity-rest cycle". Normalizing glucose metabolism in
the prediabetic person means nothing less than preventing diabetes in those at high
risk. Naturally I sought enlightenment.
According to the report, a healthy subject was fasted for
close to 2 days (water consumption was allowed). During that period he performed
3 aerobic sessions of neuromuscular electrical stimulation exercise (NMES). And
surprise, surprise, the energy used by the muscle came almost entirely from
fat. The subject also went into a hypoglycemic state, which is doctor-speak for
low blood sugar. The authors concluded that this may indicate the depletion of
carbohydrate stores. And they go on to suspect that this could be the
equivalent of "a metabolic super stimulus mimicking the famine-activity
periods of our ancestors". A stimulus which they correctly find to be
absent from our modern environment. And which might be considered a contributor
to the diabetes epidemic, which we are facing in our environment.
Now first what is NMES? It is what it sounds like: the
application of an electrical stimulus to muscles. If a muscle gets stimulated
in this way it contracts. Once the stimulus is switched off, it relaxes. Do
this with a certain frequency and your muscle does almost the same as when you voluntarily
move it, by exercising for example. I say "almost" and I will get
back to that point in a short while. Now when your muscle contracts it burns
energy, typically in the form of carbohydrate or fat. It doesn't matter whether
your muscle does its contraction thing because your brain tells him to or
whether a NMES device sends its juice through the nerves which otherwise carry
the brain's commands to that muscle. if it moves, it burns. That's why NMES is
typically applied for muscle rehabilitation, or to prevent muscle wastage when
you can't move a limb, or when your personal trainer gets the idea of
strengthening it beyond what you already achieved in the gym (not necessarily
an effective idea). It's certainly not a substitute for doing exercise.
Otherwise we could simply have ourselves full-body-wired to some NMES, flick
the switch and start bopping around on the sofa while watching TV, feeding our
face, and not getting fat at the same time because the NMES makes our muscles
BURN all that fat.
Come to think about it, why don't you try it and let me know
the result? But please don't tell anybody that I asked you to. Specifically not
your doctor and also not my ethics board.
But anyway, back to serious thoughts. Why are the results of
this case study so underwhelming? First of all, we know, that human carbohydrate
stores are so limited, in fact approximately the equivalent of 1600 calories,
that your body will go into carb preservation mode much earlier than after 44
hours of fasting.
We have made in our laboratory tests on people after a simple
overnight fast. Their resting resting energy expenditure came almost exclusively from
fat. And when we put them on a bicycle to exercise at the intensity which the
study authors applied to their NMES guy (50% of VO2max), they also burned fat
almost exclusively. The reason is simple: your brain needs glucose, the
building block of carbs, to function. So your body starts to burn fat
preferentially, once glucose supplies dwindle. When we gave our subjects a
banana to eat or some buns or muesli, their bodies switched to burn carbs almost
exclusively within a matter of 15 to 20 minutes. At rest and while exercising.
The message is clear: if you want to burn away your fat
reserves, you MUST NOT eat or drink carbs before you exercise. Don't let any gym rat or self-styled guru tell you otherwise. The human body is biased
to preserve its fat stores. That was Mother Nature's survival policy for our
ancestors for millions of years. Only when glucose levels dwindle will that
preference be put on the backburner, so to speak.
So what has this study added to our body of knowledge about
the prevention of diabetes? You judge for yourself. But my take is, even if
that "super-stimulus" was worth something, who will go through the
fun of staying without food for 2 days? And what comes after the 2 days, when
you start eating again?
But one message clearly is being reinforced here, a message
which I always like to give, specifically to those who are overweight and in
need of losing a few pounds of fat: ideally do your aerobic exercise in the
morning, every morning, after an overnight fast and before breakfast. And don't
you dare take that bottle of energy drink with you on your run. In this way you
can create your personal feast famine cycle within the 24 hours of your day,
ideally every day. Initially it may be tough. I know because I do it myself.
But I also know, after a while you begin to truly enjoy that morning routine.
I'm doing this since more than 10 years now. And so does my wife. She has the
diabetic gene in her family, but her blood glucose values and her insulin
sensitivity are all in the deep green zone. Maybe because of her daily
So when will you get yours?