I have been getting a lot of questions about vegetable juicing. Is juicing really that good? Is it a hype or are there benefits to healing? How often do you juice and why?
I have updated this post to answer your questions and other concerns. Juicing has been around for a long time. However, a recent trend for juicing has picked up in the last few years, and with good reason. Every vegetable and fruit juice combination strengthens our immune system in one way or another, which in turn helps your body do its job of healing itself naturally.
Juicing vegetables has the benefits of preventing, curing and reversing diseases ranging from skin, auto immune and neurological disorders. So, here are some of the reason I love juicing as much and often as I can:
Why You Should Juice
Compelling research link chronic inflammation and nutrient deficiencies as the top reasons and most of the times; the root cause to many diseases. Environmental toxicity, life stressors, an a poor diet are also part of the equation. If you've experienced years of mineral or nutrient deficiency due to an unbalanced or poor diet, this will cause and perpetuate chronic illness. By contrast, fruit and vegetable juices, help prevent them.
My ratio for juicing is pretty much 90:10 (vegetables:fruit), but alter it for my son with a tad more fruit.
How Diseases Are Caused By Nutrient Deficiency
All of the cells in our body are scheduled to consume internal energy and nutrients that the blood and lymphatic system supply us with externally. But, how can a cell perform its job if it lacks the essential minerals to function properly or to form the protein that it was supposed to produce? Simply put, it does not.
The worst of this is that when a cell lacks these nutrients it is easy to master by other processes that may lead to a fragmentation of the DNA, or any other deterioration in its performance. As time goes by, these cellular disorders are situated or arise in physically weaker areas of our body, where a slight change can bring serious health consequences such as chronic or degenerative diseases including: asthma, kidney failure, emphysema, cancer, osteoarthritis or cardiovascular disease such as, plaque high blood pressure.
It is here when juicing comes in. Juicing is an excellent preventive measure, especially green juices as they are loaded with Chlorophyll. They are even an antidote for all health problems-literally; beginning with a deficiency in minerals and/or vitamins. Juices or Smoothies have all the ideal ingredients to prevent and counteract a disease for many reasons specially because of one particular super nutrient- Chlorophyll.
As always thanks for reading and sharing my articles.
Did you know about all of the benefits of juicing? What is your favorite juice combination and how often do you juice?To your best health,