Hey there!
Hope your Monday ended on a high note. Mine ended with a 4 mile run at the gym. Running on the treadmill isn’t my favorite, but when it gets to be too dark outside I don’t feel comfortable running by myself for too long. Once I got home from work I was starving so I knew I wouldn’t survive a 4 mile run right away. I opted to make a quick dinner instead and run at the gym later. Dinner was random and a little desperate. Vegetarian sausage sandwiches & Flaming Hot Cheetos. Not my brightest moment – but the bread was Ezekial bread, so at least that was healthy and the sausage came with plenty of protein. The cheetos were just a filler and they were quite tasty. While I ate dinner, I also did some studying for my Series 65. I really need to get this test out of the way because I have something I really want to do after the fact. I haven’t mentioned it on the blog yet, but once I’m done with this test I’ll share all about it!

I had every intention of waking up bright & early this morning, but I got sucked into some last minute games of Candy Crush. I was still in bed my 10, but I could have been in bed by 9:30 and awake by 5:30 instead of 6:00. I’m trying to improve my sleep habits and the amount of sleep I get. Ideally I’d get 8 hours of rest each night. I’ve started making my bed in the mornings this week so I’m not tempted to lay in bed when I get home and watch tv, plus it’ll tell my mind that it’s time to wake up as I make it and also tell my mind it’s time to go to sleep when I start pulling the sheets down. Hopefully these mind tricks will work!
Let’s finish up recapping my Thanksgiving since I’m already so far behind – why wait another day?!
So after we did Disney, we headed home early to spend more time with Nick’s family. We arrived to town and headed straight out to dinner at Copper Monkey.

I neglected to get a picture of the food, but I had a grilled cheese & tomato basil soup. It was a really delicious combination and it his the spot with how cold it was outside! After dinner, we had plans to go to the driving range and hit some balls. Now, I’m fairly awful at this. I’m pretty sure if Meg was there to see it, she’d be ashamed to call me a friend! Nick was our champion of the night – he hit almost every single ball over the netting.

Am I even standing correctly? I have no clue!! Nick tried to give me some lessons…

It was a night filled with laughs! You could definitely tell that the siblings all enjoyed their time together over the holidays. It’s a very rare occurrence for them to be together at the same time! We missed Kathryn all evening, but she wasn’t feeling well and was ready to get home after dinner to put the baby to sleep and to get some rest herself. When we got back to the house, we played a little more jenga, of course! On Thursday, we had a delicious Thanksgiving meal and unfortunately, I didn’t document much of that. Nick’s dad & sisters left town after lunch and the rest of our visit was extremely relaxing. There was some sweet baby holding (omg… i die over the picture below!! Cade seems so focused on Nick!), there was good food, delicious pumpkin bread thanks to Kathryn’s amazing mom (seriously, she’s the best!), and we found ourselves playing Monopoly on our last night in town. That one was intense… I’m pretty sure Kathryn sold me the Boardwalk for $1 just to get under Trey’s skin. Happy to say that their marriage survived, but it was tense for a while haha!

On our way home, we met some new Disney friends, or at least people we would assume would be our friends based on their go cart with Sorcerer Mickey & their license plate said MicMin. BFFL.

We had one more pit stop to make before heading to Jackson and that was to Hattiesburg for a wedding of 2 sweet friends! There was next to nothing for an actual vegetarian to eat, but since I occasionally eat fish, I went for the Shrimp & Grits + Crawfish Mashed Potatoes + Tomatoes with balsamic dressing. Everything was heavenly!! Shrimp & Grits just make the perfect combination. The wedding was very small, but every detail was absolutely beautiful! We had a great night dancing & eating!

That sums up our Thanksgiving re-cap! Now we’re all caught up. Hope you’re having a great week!