Warm water lemon is the new hype when it comes to detoxing, and helping your body balance its PH to a more alkaline level.
However, if you want to take your lovely warm lemon water to the next level you'll love this Quick Morning Detox Drink Elixir that I created. It is easy to make and literally takes about four minutes. Plus, it only calls for three ingredients-four if you add your favorite sweetener to make it a true Elixir. I recommend raw honey, no-alcohol stevia or even swerve.
So why is this considered an Elixir?
First let's find out what "Elixir" means:
- a preparation supposedly able to prolong life indefinitely.
- Vocubulary.com defines it as a Miraculous, magical, and maybe a little mysterious, an elixir is a sweet substance or solution that cures the problem at hand.a magical or medicinal potion.
Now, some of you may be thinking- pepper with turmeric in my lemon water? [insert your best about to barf face] that is just gross Astrid. Oh it may look gross but it actually isn't! Plus remember that you aren't drinking a fun, refreshing juice or something with food. It is a healing drink, but adding again, your favorite sweetener will make a difference.
I highly encourage you to set your mind to "healing gears' and go with the flow. Remember, it is now the way it looks or tastes- it is about the benefits and the way you are going to feel afterwards, knowing you are nourishing your body with an amazing multi-healing-properties drink .
Pepper With Turmeric? Oh Yes! Here's Why...
While most of the benefits of this healing drink come from turmeric, and all of its amazing healing properties such as Anti-inflammatory,Anti-Viral, & its pain management (because it targets inflammation) the true benefits come from the mix of black pepper and turmeric.
Here is an excerpt from Dr. Michail Gregre from Nutritionfacts.com on the incredible benefits of combining the two:
Just like approximately 5% of the spice turmeric is composed of an active compound called curcumin, about 5% of black pepper by weight is comprised of this compound called piperine. Curcumin is responsible for the yellow color of turmeric and piperine for the pungent flavor of pepper. Piperine is a potent inhibitor of drug metabolism. One of the ways our liver gets rid of foreign substances is making them water soluble so they can be more easily excreted. But this black pepper molecule inhibits that process.
And it doesn't take much. If people are given a bunch of turmeric curcumin, within an hour there's a little bump in the level in their blood stream. We don't see a large increase because our liver is actively trying to get rid of it. But what if the process is suppressed by taking just a quarter teaspoon's worth of black pepper? Then you see curcumin levels skyrocket. The same amount of curcumin consumed, but the bioavailability shoots up 2000%. Even just a little pinch of pepper-1/20th of a teaspoon-can significantly boost levels. And guess what a common ingredient in curry powder is besides turmeric? Black pepper.
Another way to boost the absorption of curcumin is to consume it in the whole food, turmeric root (fresh or dried as a powder) because natural oils found in turmeric root and turmeric powder can enhance the bioavailability of curcumin seven to eight fold. When eaten with fat, curcumin can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream through the lymphatic system thereby in part bypassing the liver.
Here is the rest of the article from care2.com
How amazing is this? Now you know why I make the funky mixes (grin)! Have you tried Turmeric yet? Make this Elixir, wait a few hours then come back and tell me how you felt.
As always thanks for reading and sharing my posts.
To your best health,
