Scott is out of town this week and I am back to working out at home. It works best time wise and I know I can still get a butt kicking workout in. DVD’s, YouTube, Beachbody’s new On Demand option and one of my favorites: a little living room tabata set. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest and repeat it at least 3 times but go for 4 if you are feeling extra ambitious. I was one sweaty mess after this one. It was a quick round of tabata and some weight lifting for a 300+ calorie workout.
When I do workouts at home the dogs always come hangout with me downstairs. Tanner lays on his bed and occasionally tries to make me play fetch mid move. Clifford lays on the couch and supervises the whole thing. I need to try and get that on camera. It makes me laugh every single time.
HumanX sent me some great equipment (jump rope, resistance bands, ab mat, kettlebell guards). They are the perfect addition to my home workout area. A major bonus is how little space it takes up. As much as I would love a whole room dedicated to my home gym that’s not going to happen. So I make do with the family room and move the coffee table out of the way as needed.
Tabata Workout. The whole purpose of tabata is too push yourself as hard as possible for 20 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds. Do each round, rest for a full minute and then move on to the next round. Aim for repeating the entire circuit 3 times and if you are feeling extra ambitious go for a 4th.