Happy last day of February. What a quick but fabulous month it's been. Thanks for joining me in celebration of FABULOUS FEBRUARY
Fun February Facts: Feb 28th is Rare Disease Day, National Chocolate Souffle Day, National Pancake Day (thanks to IHOP), the day John Wesley chartered the Methodist Church in 1784, when The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad was incorporated in 1827 (becoming the first railroad in America offering commercial transportation of both people and freight), when DuPont scientist Wallace Carothers invented nylon in 1935, the day James D. Watson and Francis Crick announced to friends that they have determined the chemical structure of DNA in 1953 (the formal announcement took place on April 25 following publication in April's Nature pub. April 2), the airing of the final episode of M*A*S*H in 1983 (still holds the record for the highest viewership of a season finale at almost 106 million viewers) and is the 1901 birthday of Linus Pauling, American chemist and activist.Ok, on to the setting sun...

The end of the day. The sun goes down. After a busy day, things wind down to a calming end. Fitting for the setting of a great month. There's almost no better way to close out a day than watching a sunset. Universally recognized for its ability to guide and reset our biology, a sunset is the most direct and powerful anchor we have to normalize sleep patterns. If you're having problems sleeping, one of the best things you can do is make it a priority to see the sun set.
Here is a great time lapse montage with some cool sunsets...
Thanks for reading, have a great day!
P.S. Here is the full version of the sunset video above...