Fitness Magazine


By Kyle Knapp @Kyleknapp5
Fun February Facts: Feb 5th is National Weatherperson's Day (observed on the birthday of John Jeffries, one of the United States' first weather observers who took daily measurements starting in 1774), in 1909 Belgian chemist Leo Baekeland announces the creation of Bakelite, the world's first synthetic plastic, and is my brothers birthday (happy birthday TK1).

Ok, on to the sunrise...

The beginning of the day. The start of a new adventure. A purely magical time. Something we should all try to take a few moments to experience more often.

Winter sunrises are one of my favorites so here's a couple minutes of the sunrise this morning in Newport Coast just as the sun breaks over the horizon...

Every time I spend a few minutes like this I'm so amazed at how much beauty is right there in front of us each and every day. We just need to take a few minutes to get out there and connect with it.

Thanks for reading, have a great day!

P.S. I wanted to do this post on Sunday to signify the start of Fabulous February but didn't get up in time. :)


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