Community Magazine

Stupid Things Doctors Say – Autism Recovery

By Matthewspuzzle @matthewspuzzle

Our doctor has this patient portal where you can email him questions about autism recovery and he will respond within 24 hours. We have to pay a small fee for this portal, but it is still better than spending $160 for an un-insurance-covered office visit. So I was asking him about a specific protocol to kill parasites. I laid out the protocol with all the supplements and medicines that are necessary and described the overall procedure, and I asked him what he thought of this intervention. Was is safe? He replies back, to my pleasure, that the protocol is perfectly safe and effective, BUT it is very “labor intensive”. He actually gave me a caveat of it being “labor intensive”!

What the hell?! Of course it is labor intensive. Every single thing we have done to help our son with autism recovery has been labor intensive. From his OT and PT schedules we had to adhere to when he wasn’t even 2 years old, to his chelation therapy, to all the ABA we did. Every last little thing has been labor intensive. Why would our doctor say such a discouraging thing to me? Has something being labor intensive ever stopped us from helping Matthew? And what about that little ole saying “Nothing worth something is ever easy”?  Of course we won’t let a little “labor intensity” keep us from doing the right thing.

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