Hair & Beauty Magazine

Some Weekend Rambling

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
The weekend is here, finally!
This week I felt so worn out and just couldn't wait for the week to end. Even though I don't think I actually did much compared to mums who have handful of kids and the mums who work *mother's guilty at play*. I did take my kids out heaps and 'work' or should I say 'volunteer' as a labourer for my husband while we work on the main room & ensuite.
  • I am really excited. We pretty much tore down the room and re-gyprocked it and are in the process of painting. We also built an ensuite from nothing; meaning we had to lay down the floors, the ceiling etc. Look at me stealing all the credit (saying "we" instead of "my husband").
  • I woke up exceptionally early this morning and the restlessness I have been feeling overwhelmed me into taking some action. I changed my blog template! It is a hell of a job. I took a few hours to just arrange everything. The old one was giving me some problems; I couldn't change the colours or the size of photos. I like this new one - simpler, clean, bold lines. Minimalist. Like me, right ;)  Hope you guys like it too.
  • I'm still trying to fix up the Commentluv plugin. I'm unsure if I should just leave the Blogger one or install Commentluv again but I will just wait on it and see.
  • For some reason, this week was events invitations overload for me. I received about 4 different invites to blogger events. I'm really excited to attend whichever ones I can. I'll have to cross a lot of hurdles... babysitter hurdle, coordinating with husband's work hurdle, driving 4 hours to Sydney hurdle... but hey, it's all good fun and I'll be able to cover the events and show you guys some pictures. I'm surprised my husband is really supportive and telling me to go for it! 

Just some weekend rambling in this little corner of the interwebs. I love having this space I call my own! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend ahead and thanks so much for hanging around here x  

Some Weekend Rambling

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