Fitness Magazine

September in Review

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
September in ReviewI feel like I fell off the face of the blogging world. It isn't that I don't have things to write about, or want to write about things, it is just that sometimes life gets incredibly full! Or sometimes the urge to just sit down, count stitches, and crochet takes over. But before I start traveling down too far on the road of tangents let's get down to business and talk running!
This September I ran a lovely 135 miles. Okay, not every mile was lovely. You can read my race report on the Maui Marathon from September 22nd and see that clearly. That race still holds a mix of feelings for me and even though I vowed to never run the Maui Marathon again, I will. I signed up the 26th for 2014. Who am I to argue with higher forces when a race entry of $26 is presented to me on a golden plate? Kaua'i? Well, you are waiting another year. I also reached out and got myself a coach for the week's leading up to the Honolulu Marathon. My goal to break a 4:20 marathon is still there burning deeply, tempting me, driving me, motivating me, inspiring me, and perhaps bugging me on certain days. I need to do this for me.
September in ReviewI am happy with what I did run though since September included the three weeks of taper, marathon HERE. This go around, yes, it kicked my butt but it didn't knock me down as hard. Within a week I felt back to my normal running self. Does that mean I didn't push hard enough? Not at all. If I woke up the next day feeling splendid, yes.
day, and a recovery week. Plus last September I only run 88 miles. And yes, I ran the Maui Marathon both years. It kicked my butt seriously hard in 2012. You can read about that
Now onto some fun numbers!
  • 641: The running streak day 9/30/13 represents. 
  • 7: The sum of the digits of 9/30/13 went brought down to one digit. 9+3+1+3 = 16, 1+6 = 7. Lucky number 7. Cool! Does this really mean anything? Nope but it is fun! And it is an example of the number game I play often.
  • 1,343: The number of miles I have run from 1/1/13-9/30/13
  • 117: The number of miles I have to run in 2013 to surpass my 2012 miles. No problem!
  • 2,811: The number of running streak miles I have run.

But seriously, what are my October goals?
  • To follow the training plan my coach gives me to the best of my ability. 
  • To run hard when I should run hard and run easy when I should run easy.
  • To not go crazy on the just a mile days. 
  • To find continued happiness and growth in non-related activities - crocheting, gardening, cooking.
  • To be the foundation of a happy, loving home. (I kinda feel I should be in a pageant now dreaming of world peace...and yes, I would love that!)

Now let's go run! Oh wait, it is a just a mile day and I have work to do first.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for the opportunities presented to me at work.
Daily Affirmation: I have the confidence to stand up for what I believe and speak my mind.
Want an extra dose of Aloha Friday fun? Here you go!
September in Review
This is John Bingham's quote: Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn-out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself.
Gotta love it!

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