Fitness Magazine

Running Naked - Time to Unplug

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Running Naked - Time to unplugI made a decision about a week ago and blogging about it has been on my mind. You see, I have
stopped monitoring my heart rate a couple of weeks ago and this weekend, I took off the Polar Loop. I am done. No more monitoring. At least for now.
Yes, I was getting good data from both the heart rate monitor and Polar Loop but I never really found the time to dig deep and truly analyze the numbers. I felt happy when my Polar Loop showed I reached my goal for the day but got frustrated when last Sunday it said I had to keep on moving. Hmmm.....dear Loop, I ran 20 miles. I moved enough. I think your batteries must be messed up even though I am certain I charged you the day before.
But this isn't the reason I am pulling the plug. It is because I need less to "worry" about. I have a marathon in September and again in December. Training is picking up and I am having my own worries, doubts, jitters, etc. related to that. I do not need more on my plate. I need less. I have enough numbers to strive for - miles, intervals, splits, goal pace - and I do not need to think about heart rate, activity level, calories, etc.
If my Polar Loop was linked to my phone I may have a different opinion because a chime to remind me to get up and stretch at work would indeed be beneficial. Learning I needed to days later when I sync to my phone is not ideal for me. Yes, I have a desk job. Yes, I sit too long at times. No, I do not need to know that days from now. I know it. I try to get up and move frequently enough but emails, etc. can keep me glued to my ball working. Yes, I sit on a ball.
Will I ever plug back in? Sure! These items cost me some money so it is foolish to let them collect dust. I see times in my life where it may be a thing to focus on - just not during peak training right now. Will I compare new data to what I collected already? Yes! That would be the ideal situation.
But for now I will don the lovely Pandora bracelet dear hubby got me years ago and enjoy my days clinking away at work when I am not running, doing yoga, being a mommy, or doing all the things I do each and every day!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful to be alive!
Daily Affirmation: I have a lot to offer the world.

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