Anyway... all this hoo-hah will mean that many of us will have to change the method with which we follow blogs. There are a few options and I am just popping by here to tell you where you can follow this blog on.
I think a really popular one at the moment would be Bloglovin. Just click on this button below if you want to follow my blog on Bloglovin! Alternatively, you can find my other Bloglovin icon on the right sidebar of my blog if you scroll down. I do prefer Bloglovin to the other available options as there is an iPhone/Andriod app for it which makes everything easier.
I am also on Hello Cotton and She Said Beauty. I have only signed up for an account a couple of weeks back so those are very new to me. These are more beauty or female specific sites.
I will be moving all the blogs I follow over to Bloglovin soon. I can't believe everyone has just gone into gear straight away and started changing their blog reader even though July is still a few months away. Hope to see you on the other side!

Find makemeupmandy on Hellocotton