My Mum bought this new foundation from YSL via Selfridges for £28 and unfortunately for her the color was too light so she passed it on to me. The color is B20 which is a touch too dark for me but still wearable.

If you're not familiar with this new foundation, the formula is based on YSL’s infamous Touche Eclat concealer which is a cult beauty product in the same league as Elizabeth Arden’s eight hour cream.
I expected this foundation to be really thick and heavy but I was pleasantly surprised! It’s very fluid and glides on and melts in very easily.

It’s difficult to describe how effective it is which is why I’ve included a before and after photograph for you to have a look at....
First things first, in the before picture I have no makeup on what so ever. I am literally just out of the shower! In the after picture I have only the YSL foundation on. No concealer, no under eye cover-up, nothing. I think this is the most honest way to show you whether a foundation is any good or not.

It wasn’t easy to put up these photos. I have horrendously dark circles around my eyes which are the bane of my life! However, what I love about (most) blogs is that they are real girls, not perfect supermodels. Seeing a picture of me with a fully made up face, telling you how good this foundation is would mean very little if you don’t know how I look without makeup!Hopefully you can see in the after photo that my skin tone has been evened out with my red and dark patches covered, and remember, I am wearing nothing but the foundation in the second photo! No concealer!
Please be kind!
Lisa x