Hair & Beauty Magazine

Review of JASON Moisturising 84% Aloe Vera Conditioner

By Lisagray @juicysatsuma
About a year ago I was looking at photos of myself at my little sisters Christening. I was 12 years old and my hair was long, shiny and healthy. I then looked at my present day hair and thought, what the hell happened? Then I remembered. At 13 I started high school and discovered hair dye, straightening irons and styling products, and my hair has been paying for it ever since.
I decided to make a choice that fateful day. I could either keep torturing my hair with heated tools and a million products to try and get it to resemble the crowning glory I had as a pre-teen, or I could leave it alone in the hope that it would repair itself in good time.
I opted for the latter. Well, sort of. I no longer blow dry or straighten my hair, except on special occasions and I don’t use a tonne of products. Instead I use a few specially selected, essential products, such as this JASON conditioner. 

Review of JASON Moisturising 84% Aloe Vera ConditionerI decided I wanted to move away from supermarket and salon branded hair care. The more research I did the more it seemed like, while they contain ingredients which are good for your hair, they also contain just as many ingredients which are bad for it! Perfumes, silicone etc. From then on it was natural or nothing, which brought me to JASON.
JASON have a selection of conditioners but I decided to go for this one for two reasons. 1. I love Aloe Vera. I’ve used it for a number of other beauty/health applications with great results (take a look at my Aloe Dent toothpaste review!) 2. It has the words ‘intensive moisture’ in the title and this is what my hair desperately needs! 

Review of JASON Moisturising 84% Aloe Vera ConditionerThe smell of this conditioner does take a little getting used to. As it does contain a high concentration of aloe vera the smell is very, well, plant like! It’s not unpleasant though and I’m happy to go for a natural scent over artificial fragrances any day. what makes this conditioner the best in the world EVER is that it’s soooo thick and creamy. It feels more like a weekly treatment than an everyday conditioner. You would expect therefore, that it would be really heavy and would weigh down fine hair but it somehow magically doesn’t! Oh JASON you magic wizard you! My hair is in the best condition it’s been in for years!
Lisa x

*JASON products are BUAV approved i.e.. cruelty free

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