I decided to make a choice that fateful day. I could either keep torturing my hair with heated tools and a million products to try and get it to resemble the crowning glory I had as a pre-teen, or I could leave it alone in the hope that it would repair itself in good time.
I opted for the latter. Well, sort of. I no longer blow dry or straighten my hair, except on special occasions and I don’t use a tonne of products. Instead I use a few specially selected, essential products, such as this JASON conditioner.

JASON have a selection of conditioners but I decided to go for this one for two reasons. 1. I love Aloe Vera. I’ve used it for a number of other beauty/health applications with great results (take a look at my Aloe Dent toothpaste review!) 2. It has the words ‘intensive moisture’ in the title and this is what my hair desperately needs!

Lisa x
*JASON products are BUAV approved i.e.. cruelty free